the boss says the board/attachements are now working so.. This was at the swap meet and it was all cut into pieces and if you bumped it ..i think it would of fell apart
I've always liked these little cars. I'd like to build one, wheels inside the body/ stock wheelbase, and make room for a V8 60, or a little 2.3 4 banger, could be fun.
here is my dads crosley race car him and his brother raced it in Utah, Idaho and Nevada during the late fifties, it ran a buick nailhead with six two barrel carbs fed with a McCullough supercharger, the nose is a molded on 40 ford hood, wish I knew if is still existed!!
My Dad shared garage space with the owner of this one back in the early '80's. No you arent imagining things, thats an Ardun equipped Flat Head between the rails.
there a school teacher in babylon ny that has a couple one is on a 4x4 frame flat black it always has mud on it its cool and if i remeber rite i thnk he has another one with a huge wind up key on the back