Rick at R&R Automotive Machine in Londonderry, NH ran the engine for me on Fri. It's a '54 331", 30 over for 336". Originally 185hp, now with mild Clay Smith cam, low compression, and no head work it made 330hp, and 350 ft. lbs. It started instantly, and sounded great. No oil or fuel leaks. Will go into the chassis this week.
Vintage Hilborn converted to EFI. Custom fuel rails, and rubber lines by Ron Gagnon at New England Rod Shop.
Its amazing a lot of the older engines with not a lot of extra work, especially a cam, produce a lot more power than they ever did in stock form. And usually are better on fuel as well. Michael
More info. Web site, address, phone number? About how many greenybacks? Very, Very Nice !! I would like to see if I can afford for my 392. Jack
Ron Gagnon New England Rod Shop 3 Chestnut St. Bedford, NH 03110 603-471-0600 No web site, no computer, no cell phone. Master craftsman. As far as the cost goes, well it's all hand built, not off the shelf parts, so it's more expensive than braided stainless, and common fuel rails, but worth it in my mind.
Great horsepower gain considering the low compression and no head work. Did you have hardened seats installed? Dennis Nice valve covers BTW
Thanks Dennis, and I love your valve covers. Every aluminum piece on the engine is powdercoated in Gray wrinkle finish, and all the hardware is nickel. The seats are hardened, and the water crossover was fabricated by cutting one up from Hot Heads, and making the finned pieces to match the spacing on the valve covers.
Your engine build shows just how well the early Hemi was designed. A little cam work, good injection, a mag, no head work and an instant 330 hps!! And probably going to be very driveable. Very nice piece! hope the car you are putting it in is as nice because it needs a good home. Rex
Your like a chick who will strip in front of you and say you cant touch--Kool pic but we wanna hear the video/sound clip Looks good tho holmes..
I did take a video, but the file is so large that I can't forward it, and I'm too retahded [Boston accent] to figure it out. Enclosed are pics of the car before paint, and after.