Sunday August 8th at Noon I'll be up North unfortuinatly, but I know the fellas over there will put on a good show...The also have the place next door for all the cars that show up...Bands and Food = Good Times evel
whatcha doin up north ????????????............i will probably head over there.......maybe i can meet that 15 year old kid that works there and laugh at him in person..............
[ QUOTE ] whatcha doin up north ????????????............i will probably head over there.......maybe i can meet that 15 year old kid that works there and laugh at him in person.............. [/ QUOTE ] I met that kid @ the blessing. Cool kid. any reason why he needs ta be laughed at?
yeah .......he comes on here talkin shit on someone elses thread about that persons shop saying how nobody does better hot rod work than hollywood hot rods........acting like an old pro when he doesn't know shit........yeah i will laugh at him........
Ya he just said the wrong thing..But he's an OK kid.. dinnie...I'm going up to tacoma for the Hot rod A rama...I am Hard Core... Let me know how the Show is I wish I could hang... evel
Hey Troy's a good guy, and quite a talented tin bender considering his young age and all. He's going to chop the top on my '54. So why you laughing at him? KK
here you go.
i am already bored with him...i think i will blow it off and work all day. it will be much more productive......jesus the thing doesn't even start untill noon....fuck that ! by noon i already have half a days work in.....maybe i will go by and watch him sweep the floors and clean the bathroom during the week sometime...... i hate cocky kids.....
HAHA Just read the thread.... cocky kid. He was an alright kid. sometimes the youngins want ta fit in.. haha.. I'm gonna try and make it. Hey Plan 9. I fucking dig the avatar..."First ya gotta do the truffle shuffle"..."ah cmon"..."DO IT" HAHAHA funny shit.