Just went and looked in "The Encyclopedia of the Human Brain"...under brain damage... "family support, mood, environment...attitudes of the rehab professionals...and expectations..." are the factors influencing recovery...but I'm sure you know all that almost instinctively. God bless, let me know if I can help you on any kind of research/reading as things develop.
Rich, Just send me an email or PM if I can do anything for you and the family. My family's prayers will continue everyday. Just tell him that you love him, trust me. God Bless, Glenn
Rick has made some progress over the last few days but has a LONG way to go. He regained use of his right leg and has some movement in his right arm. His speech and thought process are still very limited. He got out of intensive care tuesday and will be transfered to the Drake Center in Cincinnati for ongoing rehabilation. As I said he has a LONG way to go. We are just taking this one day at a time right now and are thankful for the progress he has made and hopeful he will continue to improve. Its the hardest thing I have ever had to face though. Hot rods aren't very important now but my HAMB friends are so I continue to stay in touch.
He placed the stars in the sky, and he can handle this. The "Great Physican". Keep up your hopes, and prayers. We will keep vigilant for him. Don
Rich, Glad to hear that Rick is making progress...Be patient God will heal him.....I will keep him on the prayer list at church.... Bill
My coworker's dad had three strokes and was paralyzed on one side, and now is about 98% normal and has actually consulted for my company. The brain can rewire itself to a large extent, stay positive. He rides his bike everyday for exercise, drives a car etc..
Kids have amazingly plasticity in their neurologic system. The first six to twelve months are the fastest recovery of function but I have seen others continue for years to regain functions. Good luck with the hard work ahead.
The brain is truly an amazing thing...given time a lot of things are able to heal entirely, even if progress can be vary slow at times. All the best to your family.
Great to hear. If there is anything I can do for you please yell. I too went through a traumatic time with my son. Your family and son will continue to be in my prayers.
Wishing you, Rick and your family the best of holidays. God is cool. I'm glad we still have Rick here to pray for and that he is getting better. It'll work out..............Mike
Hey Rich....just popped in and found this thread. I hope things are still progressing, and that you and the rest of the family are doing OK. Prayers coming from the south......steve
My wife works in rehab with brain injuries. She has seen folks like your son make HUGE progress. Feel free to shoot a PM if you have any questions she may be able to help with.
Keep the faith! Glad to hear there is positive progress. Best wishes for a happy holiday season for you and your family.
Thanks for the support guys. Rick continues to improve in some ways but not as much in others. His right leg works very well but his right hand has not improved nearly as much. His speach has improved but his thought process is still confused. He really likes the people where he goes for therapy and I'm sure that is helping. We don't know how far back he will come or if he will ever be able to return to work as he works in a highly technical field but we are thankful for his progress thus far. Rich
It is so great to hear of your sons improvements. I hope he continues in that direction. Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Good to hear the update Rich. You know that Sharon and I are at your disposal. The prayers will continue as always. It can be a long road as Sharon and I can attest but in time I'm sure you will be amazed at the results. Frank
My prayers continue and I know if love will help, and I am sure it does, your son has plenty coming from you. God bless you and your family.