I bought a 49 Plymouth Business coupe a few weeks ago and was handed the Colorado title at the time which i promply placed in my back pocket. My wife being the effecient mate that she is proptly washed my jeans when I came in from the shop that evening and the Colorado title is now in several thousand pieces. I bought the car from another person here in Texas and neither of us has the name of the previous owner. It was sold on ebay a couple of years ago. Was originally green and was painted black in CO before being sold. I am looking for a name and address of someone in the Pueblo, CO area that possibly had the car in 2003 and could get a replacement title. I will gladly send you the $ and some for your trouble. Thanks!!
could you go to the DMV and explain to them the title was accidently run through the wash and apply for a new one ? just currious , never had a title washed before ,
colorado dmv would be the way to go. if the privacy acts are the same as wa. state just befriend a car lot owner near you and have them call for the info that might cost you a 6 pack.
CO DMV will not work with me to find the previous owner, even though I have the VIN off the car. I have a bill of sale from the seller here in Texas but he does not have one from the CO seller, all he had was the title & neither of us noted the seller's name and address. I may try a local car lot and see if they can get any further. Thanks!
How long ago was it titled?? If it was recent , Take the vin number and get a cop freind to run it and get you the previous owners name and address.
Does it happen to have the have the Colorado plates? that would make it easier for your law enforcement friend to track it down. Your wife must be my wifes long lost twin as she also washes things without checing pockets. She is finally teaching our son to take his cell phone out of his pocket though. It might be a redundant question and it has been asked on the board many times before but why would you go ahead and put that much work and money into a car before you had it transferred into your name?
No plates, I don't know when it was registered last, the title was dated 2003; however, based on what I found in the engine I would guess it has not run in 10-20 years. We've had a couple of phones washed too, the kids have finally learned after having to buy a new one or carry a junker. So far I don't have much $ in the car and want to get this straight before I do. I know it has a clear title, I had it in my hands so I'm not worried about that part. I can apply for a Texas Bonded title but would rather have the original CO title to transfer. Thanks!
does tx go with the laws of the state it came from ny does we can register a old vehicle with a bill of sale if the origial state accepts them like ct does
I'll check and see what the CO laws are. Chances are since the title was last transferred in 2003 they require a title but it is worth a shot. Thanks
In Colorado, the plates don't stay with the car like in other states, so the only way they would still be on the car is if the old owner happened to leave them there. Anyway, finding the owner from 2003 may be kind of difficult since you are not in Colorado. If you were here, you could bring the car to a Colorado State Patrol office and get a certified VIN inspection. Although Im not sure if they would tell you who the old owners were or not .. Have you called Colorado DMV and explained your problem?
I did, called the Pueblo office & the state office. Both said I could have the DMV VIN inspection done, however, the car is in Texas & is not currently driveable (and doesn't appear to have been driven for many years according to the inside of the engine!). It looks like I will give ITS a try, it is $130 which is much cheaper than applying for a bonded title by the time you pay for an appraisal and bond. Thanks!
Sorry for all the "add-on" posts, but I thought of one more thing. I am not 100% sure, but if you did find the 2003 owner, he would probably need to apply for a "lost title", which may require the car to get a VIN inspection, which means you would need to bring to car to Colorado. Check with Colorado DMV on this. It may be easier to go through TX and get a bonded title in the long run.
According to the CO DMV, the title holder can request a copy of the title with just proof of identification. It is $8 and they mail it to the address listed on the title.