I found this cool dragster in the weeds one farm over from mine got it running, it has a cool single axle trailor and im trying to find something cool to toe it with. any sugestions I think it goes fast but my driveways to short.
No matter what you use as a tow vechicle, I 'm sure you will win "best appearing crew" Wow! you are a lucky man! .... but since you asked, a 59 or 60 elcamino would look great towing the rail.
now thats funny,thoes are my beautifull daughters and there not much help around the shop, the middle one showed one of her boy friends and he said next time back and turn sideways a little (SO WE CAN SEE MOORE OF THE DRAGSTER) NOW THATS SON IN LAW MATERIAL.
Here is my ole tow truck from back in the day--(I still have it 27 yrs later) This is the real meal deal for a tow rig