K,,been looking for a T-85 transmission ( 9 bolt curved sidecover ) have found a few but they have OD. Now are the OD and no OD the same transmission? Can I take the OD out ?? If so what do I need to do just replace the main shaft with a shorter one?
You would need another T-85 to supply output and tailhousing. This is a heavy duty trans with the heavy duty OD...the Rutles model that goes to 11, not just 10! Really! I think an OD is the only way a 3-speed can be really viable in the modern world, so you don't have to choose between tractor and gutless on the gearing.
So would all of the cases be the same ,,?? I see the 9 bolt 4 speeds and the rev. gear is where the OD is,so thinking if I get the main case I can then just but the tail shaft I need on it. Are the 3 speed and 4 speed case the same inside ( other than gearing ) ..Maybe
Why no OD? The T-85 with OD is a great compromise for the street. I have a T-85 OD from a Studebaker truck with the straight cut gears and the stump-puller 1st backed up with a 4:27 Lock-Rite rear end, which will get me from crosswalk to crosswalk as fast as anything, but the car will still cuise at 70 all day long without running at 4000 rpm. You can still scare up Hurst shifters for the T-85 OD--they turn up on ebay every 3 or 4 months and sell for a couple of hundred on average.
The Hurst shifters and Kits I have so no worries there,,Need a HD 3 speed for 1/4 mile ,,Hence don't need the OD.. trying to put together best strongest 3 speed I can ( yeah I know ) but that what I wanna do..So right now have access to a few with the OD's So if the main case is the same and just the tail is different ..I don't mind making mine own for what i need and reading your post are truck gears different ?? and is straight cut and better ? or should I say stronger?
Truck ratios: 3.17, 1.75, 1.00, .722, rev 3.666 Car ratios: 2.49, 1.59, 1.00, .722, rev 3.154 Truck has straight cut 1st and 2nd gears and NO synchros in 1st. Yes, the straight cut gears are stonger, but noisier.
T-85's were used on several car lines over maybe 20 years...case of course became basis of T-10. My guess is that at the rear the only difference will be a hole in the OD version for the OD rail that knocks the trans out of reverse when OD is selected
Yeah I was noticing that T-10 thing,,and the OD seems to be like a big spacer between the case and tail..so now were getting somewhere straight cut gears and a case ,, Thank ya both
Before you start disassembly, make sure you have a copy of the Borg Warner service manual/insructuions and that you have a nice large, clean area to do it. That way you can lay all the many pieces out in appx the same arrangement they were in the trans. I think you will find that you'll need a new non O. D. output shaft as well as a tail shaft housing. Good luck and if you succeed and have a bunch of O.D. parts left over let me know-I might need them.
Here's a pic of the solenoid .. Should have two bolts and a shaft in the middle and two wires coming out of it.