Does anyone know where the closest place to dip a body is from Eagle River, WI. At this point, not too concerned about e-coat etc. Thanks, cb1
Several years ago I had parts dipped at a redi-strip on west side of chicago. Have you googled redi-strip? JW
Restoration Specialists looks like is in Franklin, WI by Milwaukee. No web site though. Anyone used them to strip a body?
bobwob, Thanks, I found his web site. I will contact him and see where he gets his stuff stripped. Thanks again, cb1
All, I e-mailed Ken and he gave me StripRite in Union Grove, WI for those that are interested. cb1
that could be, i havent been down that way quite awhile. i just remember my dad ropping off and picking up old tin from there and wanderin' around those big tanks of chemicals, prob early '80's.