I am Casey Holm 22 years old from Santa Cruz, California. I have been into cars my whole life but did not have the means or take the necessary actions to move forward in the custom car direction until 3 and a half years ago. I started sweeping floors and cleaning bathrooms in a speed shop and eventually was allowed to touch more and more tools. Unfortunately I got there after Steve Sellers of Sellers Equipped had left so i wasn't able to lean too many of his crafty techniques. However I did move forward and took interest in the fabrication department. I work with Flip of Dead Fast Designs on his projects and he helps me a lot with fabrication ideas. We also spend a lot of time talking about all the insane cars we could build if there was someone with a time and money tree factory. Here are some pictures of work I have done. I hope to further the fabrication skills as well as continue learning the vast knowledge it takes to a build good looking and functional hot rod.