Is there any general agreement that a 225 inch slant six is an acceptable engine for a ha/gr? The engine was available in 1962. I've found a couple of them from the mid you think that would be ok even if they weren't, technically, '62 or older ? I'd prefer a Chevrolet six, but they seem to be very hard to come by. Wadayathink?
There are a few 225" slant six rails running HA/GR right now. I think all of them are later than 1962. Build it!
Moon (the Golden Thong) is building a rail with a crooked six, or as he calls it "the hillside hemi" and his is late 70's i believe... nice that them dodge boys get a LOT of years for the pickin' chevy six hard to come by? hmm not around here, i know of at least two sitting.
I ran a slant 6 in my ha/gr. btw, if you want a strong ha/gr motor.......I still have mine. it is in great shape and I could be easily talked out of it.
Well Sarge. Why don't you put it in another chassis. and come out a join in the fun again.??? BTW.. I;ve heard that you can get more HP out of the 170s than you can a 225.. True/false ????
Out here. The later Chev six's are in high demand. Because the low riders want them. Pressure oiling insted of slosh oiling. Believe this or not..My friend went to the swap meet last Sunday to see if he could get a good Chev 6.. Found one.. The guy wanted $2800 for it. BUT .Sold it to another guy.....Had alot of Chrome stuff on it.. NO SHIT!!!!!!
Hi Thingy. I have heard that you can get about the same hp out of a 170 but at a lot higher rpm, they were used in Lotus race cars, and with the right stuf they are good for about 8000 rpm. You can get the same out of a 225 with a lot less trouble.
I've heard no argument against the slant six as an acceptable HA/GR class motor. It falls within the guidelines even though they were made past 62'. If history serves correctly the first 225's were available in 60'. In the spirit of the class, I'm sure if you found a salvageable motor from a 70 dart for example, no body would give you any grief.
My Question is, if any engine (that fits the guide lines) from 1962 or older fits in this rules , than does the 62'chevy II engine line up (153ci 4 banger and 194ci six banger) also fit in the 62' rule ? Rob PS I,m thinking of building my own , and have some different power plants in mind .
I honestly dont' see why not. 62 or earlier - check inline - check NO V8's or aftermarket high flow heads - check Keep all your pieces period on the motor and have fun.
The rule say "pre-62" I also take this to include engines like the slant that came out in sept. 59. The inlines 4, 6, 8, are all included, even the flathead 8 pontiac. I think this rule was to keep out the later 6, chev 292 and 300 ford, chev in 62 still had some 235s and must have changed mid year 62 to the newer motors. The 200 ford may be the same design as the 170 that came out in sept 59. By the way the pontiac slant 4 will take a GTO head from a 389, that 4 is one half, 194.5.
3 welch plug block = yes, 5 welch plug block = no. Here in oz, we had the 3 plug unit prior to 62, so it's in. Here's mine.. Cheers, Drewfus
WOW! Joe's car looks impressive and it shows the right numbers also. There will be some real head banging this summer.Roy
not to worry ROY. JOE has a standard shift he hasnt seen the light. now JOEs going to be mad at L J and he is abig old boy
Well, I found a pretty decent, thoroughly used, 1958 235 chevy a hundred miles away and drove there today and bought it for $275.00. It all went pretty well as we took it off the engine stand and put it in my truck bed. But since it was on an engine stand , the flywheel wasn't on it and I didn't think about itso I have to go back. Butch Nassau