We bought a Packard that sat for years. After two weeks of trying to get it started, it would try to fire but just wouldn't start, than a piece of dog food shot out of the tail pipe. We cut the exhaust pipe off at the motor dog food, crayfish shells, bones you name it, came poring out of the motor! It fired right up and ran great. We dumped a five gallon bucket of "mouse food storage" out of the exhaust system.
Well Dallas, I'm gonna have to lay the blame here on Ford for having better tasting plastic wire coatings. After all, my own GMC truck has been unmolested by all critters (except for deer). I recommend just getting rid of your truck.
That didn't work for me! And, the issue is bigger than just our cars. The mice ate my dad's cable TV wires that were run under the house.
Same thing happened to me once. Used to live out in the country on a farm and the daily driver was parked in an old open garage, nothing more than a car port with three walls. Got in the car to run into town one day, let it idle a little to warm up and smoke came bellowing out from under the hood. Shut the engine off real quick and opened the hood to find that the field mice had built their nest of straw on the intake. Yeah, it was in the winter time, so I guess that they thought that warm intake would make for a nice, cosy home. Luckily, the fire was put out before any serious damage was done.
I drove to Arkansas to pick up a donor car for the motor rear end ect .I brought the biggest dame rat home .I gave him a bath at the car wash .And when I went to pull the motor he came out to watch put around 35 holes in the car shooting at him with my 22 riffle wife still makes fun of me.The car had enough acorns to fill 2 trash bags .My 2 cents
About 2 summers ago a nice sounding 70s nova rumbled into a popular west side suburban cruise night......having not seen this beast before several of us regulars wandered over to have a look under the hood. As we stood there gazing at a nice power plant a mouse peeked its head out around the firewall down by the pass side frame rail. We all looked and laughed......when we pointed the little hot rodder out to the owner he promply closed his hood and left the lot. I have not seen that car around since........but that was one tough little mouse and I,m shure it loved rideing around in that car.
Think maybe you ought to do a little range shooting? Maybe sight that thing in a little bit? Practice on some tincans instead of your car? One shot one kill.
Me too, used to glue a bunch of them on a 1X2 and set them. All they have to do is all go off once and from then on you don't even have to set them...
Something like this would be my suggestion as well. But i just used dog food at the bottom of the bucket.
Ha Ha I was not hunting deer or boar . I was shooting at a Rat running around this car the size of a boat that I sold for scrap when I was finished.One shot one kill OK Rambo .
I made the 5 gallon bucket trap for my shed. Used a cut down lid with a little antifreeze on top. When they go for the treat they tip the lid. 12 so far. They were going under the fly wheel of my new lawn tractor. Seemed like theyed come back every day
If you use antifreeze not only do they drown and die but they don't smell if they get left in there for awhile.
Cat's will drink antifreeze too because it's sweet, so be aware. However, I work for a patent and IP firm and it's amazing how many mice traps people have tried to patent over the years. The standard mouse spring trap does the trick best (for the least cost) in my opinion. The thing about mice is they are taste aversion eaters. They try it and if doesn't kill them they continue to eat. So the key is to switch up the bait. I like the cotton ball idea... I've never thought of that. Makes perfect sense.
Well if you have cats in your garage or barn then you really shouldn't have to worry about mice. If you do then maybe the cats should drink the antifreeze cuz they really are useless right??....did I just type that??? Seriously, anitifreeze is dangerous to cats and dogs so precautions should be taken of course.
some critter chewed the insulation off my accel plug wires once a bunch of insulation gone had to toss em
Two days ago my cat brought to the back door a big surprise, (I'm sure he was proud of it too) carrying a big norway rat in his mouth. I thought it was dead but he dropped it on the door sill and it took off. I didn't have my chance to have any fun with it either! I love that trap as shown above, is that antifreeze in the bottom? In my other house I would get a rat every now and then as it would follow the A/C condensation line for water but we could hear it knawing in the rafters. I would set two rat traps, one with peanut butter and the other with raw bacon rind. They can't resist either one. Problem is, if they escape a springing trap, they will never go near that bait again but they will go over to the other bait and bingo.
Yes The first time I saw a trap like this was from George AKA PurplePickUp. He designed it with the antifreeze for his up north cabin in case he didn't get up there for awhile. Will hold alot of dead mice and wouldn't stink.
I gotta an ol mean ass barn cat that kills anything within 200 yards of my house/garage. The outside of my house seems like a wasteland, no birds singing, no squirrels, nothing. Just that fat ol mean cat. wont even let me get within 10 ft of him before he takes off. He acts like a bobcat.
If it is the neighbors cat that walks on your cars then it is ok right? Lil f'er is gonna get it someday. LOL