I've been a fly on the wall for the past few years scrolling through the Friday art show, checking out the photos reading through the chatter. To all the artist let me say you are all very talented. To the all H.A.M.B.ers the site is great. As for me Hi how are you! Me, I'm Blessed!
I cant draw for shit but I look forward to the Friday art show every week. Nice work....Welcome to the HAMB from DFW
You guys are on kickendawg just off 1960. what up. I used to pass there every day on my way to and from work. Jam up rides. I crept through and saw you have some old truck cabs in the back. When can we see one of those complete? all in all nice rides.
Welcome from another guy from houston who cant draw lol make sure to hit up our hamb gathering next sunday