NO, not the one you got at 15 or 16. I'm talking about the first (toy) that you ever got. Mine was hand made by my grandfather in 1946, I was three. It was a simple wooden cut-out of a car with wooden wheels. Don't know where it went but would love to have it now. I'm sure that some of you got your "Hot Wheels" first . Lets hear you stories. ______________________________________________________________ Like I told the kid, "Your music's not too loud, it just sucks, and so does OKC!"
I was WAAAAAY before hot wheels - actually my first "car" was Matchbox in same scale as my HOsetup in the basement. dj
The first one I remember getting was a Lamborghini Diablo. I've loved Lamborghini ever since. I hope to get one someday, but it's just a fantasy.
My Dad was a body and paint guy...built me a two-seater out of a '37 Ford hood way back in 1953...actually had a steering wheel and pedals/chain was painted silver...used to haul my bro around the neighborhood... R-
oldest I remember I was about 3-4 (59-60) it was a early 50s maybe 49 olds lookin woody pedal car and maybe a year later I got a fire truck because we had a cousin comin to stay with us that was about my age,dont remember why but he stayed for a couple of months I think,either why I ended up with two ......and then came matchbox cars(still want the rollsroyce)and Model cars.........just broke out my 1st trophy from 1966 autorama show......this is the time of the year for this flashback
don't remember the exact one, but i do remember getting 'snap together' models of funny cars when i was 4 or 5 [circa '74/'75].
I know it wasn't my first toy but it was special. I was probably 7 or 8 years old when I got it and I still have it today and it is still just as special.
Was a model kit that had a block of Balsa for a body . Had to carve it then put wheels , axle etc . I don't have it but still have this from the 1958 contest I entered it in . Thought I'd win but winner was handmade from a metal coffee can . A couple of years ago I was talking to the shop owner where I was having some exhaust ceramic coated . Subject came up and it turned out the shop owner was the person that had won the contest , he still has the model . It was Russ Meeks , builder of the madwagon56 + several other quality cars......Z.D.
It was a '49 Plymouth, was Christmas of 1950, I was 6 years old. Years before then, I only got fruit, and few clothes, no toys. Jack
My first toy that I remember was a cast iron semi-truck and trailer from 1934 that my Dad originally got for his fourth birthday. He gave it to me for my third b-day. It has a very close resemblance to a curved-cab Mack of the early '30s. The trailer is a flatbed with the same Art Deco curvatures. Hard rubber tires. Once I moved out of the house, my Dad basically kept it in a box until my sister had her first kid (boy), then he got it. He's in his 20s now, so my sister still has it. It's been in the family for over 70 years, so it's not going anywhere.
Great stories guys. Merry Christmas to you all and to our guys and girls serving our country all around the world. They make it possible for us to enjoy driving, playing and just generally f*cking around with our rust. _________________________________________________________________Like I told the kid, "Your music's not too loud, it just sucks and so does OKC!"
The first I remember was a metal 49 Caddy Convertible and a COE Semi Tractor trailer rig. I was 1 or 2 and played with those 2 the most it seems. When I was 8 or 10 I started building models of Rods and Customs after a run of ships and planes and other stuff. Rods and customs were my favorites and influenced me for a lifetime. It's amazing how early we establish lifelong interests. I've restored 1 49 Caddy conv., 1 59 conv. 3 60's and 1 61 along the way.
Yes it was a set of Match Box or Tootsie cars, We had just moved from Baton Rouge to Midwest City, Okla. in 1955 I had my 4th birthday party and recieved them as a present. I was at my moms house about 10 years ago planting a bush and dug one up.I think I'll see if I can find it.
Bumpybig block, not to get away from the subject but the first car that I remember my Dad bring home and telling my Mom was for me was a 49 Cad.fastback when I was about 12.
The first was a truck which I watched being created by my father. He did this by drawing on paper a box (cab), a line (bed) and three circles (wheels). Not a toy but the first 'car' I ever 'owned'.
In 1945 I got hand down Mack toy Truck,was all metal kind of like Buddy-L, but not It was a give away from Mac,my Grandad worked for Mac and got it for my uncle to start with. I pushed that thing around nearly every were,but was big enough to ride down the driveway on top of. My uncle got it back a few years latter and gave it to his grand son,who wrecked hell out of it. It was a great toy.
1965 red Mustang fastback. Promo model from the Ford dealer. My Dad gave it to me for Christmas. I still have it displayed in my office. Wonderful memory. Plumber 1
There's a few to choose from... the large scale motorized Mustangs,(my Dad bought a 64 1/2 convert new.)The James Bond Aston Martin,Silver and had the "ejection seat".Tonka Truck with the camper. I was born in '63,my older brother and I had some really cool toys. The ones we are trying to remember the name of are killin' both of us though. They were close to 1/18th scale and you could alter the height front and rear by taking off one wheel and repositioning the axels in a different hole,just like some models. These were a plastic one color car,IIRC,and had a photo of a dragstrip on the background of the box.
I recall getting little Tootsie Toys. Then we'd go down to the 5 & 10 and we'd get these rubberized cars for like a dime. We'd build roadways in a dirt mound we had out back and drive em around. Wash em off and use em inside. They had all sorts of makes and models, even hot rod roadsters. That was back in 1955-1958. Also had a bunch of metal trucks and First run Tonka Trucks. I've got a bunch of stuff now from tin wind ups to Danbury Mints and everything in between.
first one I don't rember but I used to get to pick out a hot wheels or match box car when we went into town to do our shopin the ones I rember most are the match box semi trucks my uncle would bring me and since he was a trucker they were always the coolest
Myfirst toy car was a piece of wood 2x4 with 4 wheels nailed to it. this was during the second world war. I was about 2 or3 years old.My first real car was a 29 A low boy roadster with a 265 ci chevy 37 lasalle trans 52 olds rear wish i still had it dob 1955-dos1989 talker dos (date of sale)
I didn't get any toys. We were so poor, that my mom would have to cut a hole in my pocket so that I would have something to play with. ( The first toy I remember was a Spitfire sleigh ) Bob
I remember one year my mom got me one of those damn BARBIE austin-healy sports cars.....lucky for me my G I Joe fit in it just fine.......saved my rep with the kids around the block....circa 1964
not a car, a war tank............... Thanks for reminding me! I went and got it out, still have. I wanted a gun; Red Ryder, Lone Ranger, or Tom Mix, it wouldn't have mattered. Santy-Clause brought our presents. I didn't get the gun, got the pictured WWII War Tank (penny bank) with a couple of new pennies in it. It's the first that I (remember) anyhow, before that I don't. My younger brother got one just like it. My older brother Bud got a saddle for his horse. The rest of us never got a saddle, we used Bud's when we could. I was 6, in first grade. The next year I got a bow and arrows. Real ones, confinscated when I got caught shooting at the chickens. It's easy to remember because we only got one toy a year. Kids today might think it strange that a lot of toys weren't what money was spent on in the 1940's. One toy a year was pretty common for us. I never got a gun. I was reminded that the episode with the chickens would always be remembered by Santy. A couple of years later, after failing to get a gun I made my own.
Here is a link to a story I wrote about how I remember one of my first cars, a Red Cadillac.,0,w
The first cars I remember getting were the Tootsietoys cast cars. I remember getting Matchbox cars also. I also had a few Tonka trucks. When I started building models I was building military models. That is until my older brother built the AMT '49 Ford and painted it that new color, Candy Apple Red. That was all it took. My miltary models met a firey, BB Gun demise. Then in 1962 I got my first HO slot car set. It was made by Aurora. I think it was a conspirecy between the parents in my heighborhood. Four of my buddies got Aurora slot sets also! One guy got a TYCO set. Hot Wheels came out in '68. I was 16 and had my first real car then, a 1955 Dodge Royal Lancer Custom, Hemi, 2 speed Powerflite, 4 door, Black/Rose/White. I still build, race, collect slot cars and still build model cars. Marty
My first car! My mom tried to take it from me for the picture but I started to cry. I loved that car.....