Hey guys, could use your help finding a color... he is looking for a brownish red brown color.... kinda like a rootbeer color... anybody have any pics and color info?? Thanks. jj
Probably hard to find, but early 80's, either Pop Hot Rod or Rod & Custom had a centerfold of the Prufer 29 roadster on 32 rails as a centerfold. Had it on the garage wall for years and left it behind when we moved. Root Beer brown and a great one it was. The roadster wasn't too shabby either....
yeah... just havent been able to find any vehicles with that color on it... we would like to see it before we spray it.
just saw a model a roadster in this color in a old hot rod....it worked well on the car with a fawn interior & motor.....the house of kolor shades are pretty cool as well , think they might even have a metallic base in something close as well.. brandon you might look into some early 70's cadillac chips on a brown metallic
A friend of mine painted his late model truck with the HOK Rootbeer Brown metallic, and it is a real nice color... I will see if I can hunt up some pics.
thanks he would appreciate it... We have been hunting pictures for ahile now.. with no luck. Thanks for the effort. jj
Check out a mid '70's Vega Metalic Brown. I did my '37 chev cp. in that color back around '75,it turned out realy well. At night it looked almost black and in the sun it was dark brown with gold flake,it was breathtaking. I have never had so many great comments on a paint job as that one. Good luck .......Jack
Jeff Meyers (Fink'd) just shot this on my wagon last spring. It's a Honda color color code; YR-569M AKZO code; HON9591. Maybe this will help, good luck, Gary
Mopar had a real nice high metallic brown in the mid/late seventies, but PPG or HOC, as others have suggested, would have what you need. "Flake base, candy root beet top coat.
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_4KAHgnMOWA8/Rj_xie8ES4I/AAAAAAAAADk/drOguWpnE88/DSC09424.JPG 08 King Ranch, metallic dark copper... more like the ginger brown Ford color from the 70's
I had a '75 Datsun B210 that was Rootbeer brown metalic (factory color) with yellow and lime green flames on it.