Update on the coupe..... Just left his place about 15 min. ago. Looks like i missed out on both the deals. His 33 dodge is in the process of getting restored by a local guy and he sold the coupe to him as well for a measly $1,500 bucks. He said he showed it to him and the guy bugged him to death for about a month. Ya, Ya, I know, you snooze ya lose. And it is gone. I Just put 2 and 2 together and i've seen this car at his shop for sale for $7,000. Never realized it was the same one till now. Sure cleaned up good after giving it a bath. But $7,000?
Nothing quite like the person who has something for sale, and says "What'll you give me for it?" No, if it's for sale, YOU tell me what you want for it and we'll go from there. I don't care if its parts or cars. Someone pulls that shit on me, I just walk away, or say "A dollar. You asked!"...THEN walk away.
And you weren't going to try to do the very same thing??? Congratulations, the car will now cost you $7,000.