Hello Hambs! Must register myself here because i just bought my first custom projekt. All thanks sofar goes to Stellan in Sweden. Some pics:
Welcome to the HAMB from South Texas. That is a great looking car, as you make progress, post the pictures . Good Luck! Lucky667
Welcome from Oklahoma. I've been to Helsinki, still have my Harley T shirt from the HD dealer at the Rock n Roll McDonalds there.
Welcome! Sheet metal looks pretty decent. Do you have any plans for further customizing? Check out these groups: Traditional Custom cars http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/group.php?groupid=73 Scandinavian HAMB'ers: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/group.php?groupid=45
Thank`s to all! Yes i have some plans for it. Chop the top and air bags offcourse.. 350/700 moves the Merc forward someday.. The bodywork sofar is very good!
Hey there, welcome from Idaho! If you’re ever in our neck of the woods stop by and say hello. Mark lester
Heh.. Big Boys sanbox!? So Sweet.. Just here drink some beer and doing big plans for Merc. Ordering 4-links to the back and drop spindels to front.. have to persuade my friend to sell the air bags and valves! This kind of wheels is in my mind: And colour: uuh...
Now the front frame is changed from GM product! Airbags and 4-Link is installed to the rear. The body is again lifted up to the fraim and done some floors... Big Job there.... My tools in the garage is what they is!! Well im not pro allso... Some pics: And those wheels are NOT coming to it!!
Nice, looks like it's coming along well. I'm in Wa. State but my family was traced to Pyhajoki, Finland. Good luck with your ride.