<-------umm nope .. only 333 tips on this one .... wanted something a little different so it wouldn't look like everybody else's 60 cad ...
what i don't understand is, why do people who can't paint flames to save their ass, do 'em anyway? .......we've all seen 'em and said to ourselves "why".
I think this is the real answer. There a million variations and the latest "tribal" type just does not work for me. Real, well thought out flames that flow with the car, bike or boat work!! They will always make people stop and take notice. The add kind an intimidating look. On the right car those "Ohio Flames" kick ass!!
I have to ask whet the 'Ohio' style of flames is? Well done flames that work on the car will always be in, no matter what! Hmmm, I do have one other question, a THRUSH sticker? WTF? So its a rip off from a Clay Smith Cams decal? Nope, no place on any car, go get a real Clay Smith decal, water slide no less, peel and stick are for tribal flame and PT Cruiser fans. PS, Bob, out of all the cars on this thread, yours is at the top of my list by far! Doc.
heres a couple pics i have saved the bike i did and the 51 ford also the others were just pics i saved
Years ago, I worked at Pete and Jakes when they were in Grandview, MO. I used to see the California Kid and the Kid II parked side by side in the show room. After seeing that, flames will always be cool in my book.
Man, I sure hope not! My dad just painted this old Tbird for my little sister. She loves it.. so does most everyone that sees it.
Flames done right on the right car will never die!!!!! They are traditional and the last time I checked this is a traditional site!!!!
Well, at least his "signature" is accurate. Just kidding. Those look sharp. Like alot of other people have said....its depends on the application and the style. Flames add some soul or life to a car,....gives it style. On a PT Cruiser with plastic hab caps and stock ride height flames look silly. On something thats had some time and attention flames can add the final touch.
I think this photo shows exactly the point many are trying to make on this thread. These flames are laid out and painted well, great job. But putting them on a bone stock T-Bird... AARRRGGGHH!
Like many things in cars anymore. overkill to many people needing to much attention and just really ruining cars. Just about everything is dead hot rods now are like Harley Evos that everyone built from the CC catalogs back in the 90's. as some have pointed out,,on certain cars ( and in certain colors ) they can look great, other times well.............
I don't think that they are as long as there are like minded guys & gals that love them as much as we do. It's all about personal preference. I have seen different styles of them across the years, so in my humble opinion not likely are they ever going away. BTW Here is a pic of the ones I plan doing on my ride.
Lowered four inches, 5-lug conversion with 17" wheels, painted the side mouldings, blacked out window trim, 2.5" exhaust. About as stock as the other cars in this thread, I guess.