Just wanted to let you all know that my El Camino, El Fink was totalled last friday ( the 13th ). A woman with a suspended license, no insurance, and a borrowed 1984 Mustang blew through a stop sign at about 60 mph right into my driver's door. That in turn knocked me into the guard rail on the right side. Check out the photos, it's pretty well fucked. And I was lucky enough to walk away with a couple of bruises and a few pulled muscles.
[ QUOTE ] friday ( the 13th ). A woman with a suspended license, no insurance, and a borrowed 1984 Mustang [/ QUOTE ] Friday the 13th!!! That sucks, glad your OK.
OUCH!!! You may be able to go back on the car owners insurance. Assuming a. they knew she was driving it. and b. THEY have insurance. You are responsible for anyone you let use your vehicle. At least that is the way it is supposed to work.
AW man I feel for ya! That was a nice piece. I hope they arrested her stupid ass and you have a good lawyer. Glad ya weren't badly hurt.
I hope she received a severe beating. People who pull that kind of shit almost always get off scott free, that bitch needs to pay.
Brother, I am so sorry about it. Makes me absoultly sick. Patrick told me about it the other day. I hope every thing turns out ok in the end.
I still don't know if the Mustang's owner had insurance, but it was supposedly this bitch's brother. By the way, she has a driving record longer than my arm, including an OMVI and a hit and run. Oh, and at least I was fully insured and I have a good lawyer.
The only real salvage is the motor, the front sheet metal and the interior. It needs a whole new body shell, frame, and a lot of rare pieces. Besides, I had been trying to sell it for the last year to someone who'd enjoy it as much as I did. Since it was basically done, and I have a bike that I have been riding, I have hardly driven it except to a few shows in the last two years. To make matters worse, I finally had the car sold, and the guy was flying here from Holland the first weekend in September to pay for it and see it for the first time in person. His girlfriend cried when he told her what had happened.
Dude that sucks... but hey it is fixable.... i might even know where a good parts car or two would be.... impalla is the same thing right??? just look at what im fixin... your car would be easy.....
That totaly fuckin' blows! It is good that you walked away pretty much ok-as ok as you could be, at least...
dude you got my symp that was a nice ride glad you was not HURT in crash and now take heed of the custom rancho that shortened kool ass one from the 50/60s make a total custom from its remains
man i am really sorry to hear that . .....atleast you are for the most part o.k.....let us know what happens with it.........
Now that I think about it, I know where a '60 Elky shell is sitting without a front clip or doors. I haven't looked at it up close, but I was told it's rust free and pretty straight. I'll check it out if you'd like, DFW TX area. Danny
1. I'm real glad you're OK. That could have been ugly. 2. Stay on em' about that insurance stuff. 3. I'm real, real glad you're OK.
That completely and totaly sucks. If you haven't already wrung her neck...you are VERY restrained! Can you file some sorta criminal charges on her for not having ANYTHING required by law to drive a car?! regardless how good your insurance is...it all comes down to the PRINCIPLE (sp?) of the matter. fucking inconsiderate, self-absorbed, mindless assholes.
I feel your pain. Sometimes, it seems life is full of lemons. The Elcomino is repairable, pull out the doorjamb. repair or replace rockers and quarters. Might take some time to run down trim, some is availble new. What ever you decide, good luck and I am glad you were not hurt seriously. Time and money.