This car is the first hot rod I EVER took a ride in!! At El Mirage Dry Lake... Tom Branch = RULER!! I have more pics but would have to scan 'em... Don't have time now. Sorry dude... [ QUOTE ] <font color="green"> Holy Crap! You got any more pics of this roadster with the beautiful ass? </font> [/ QUOTE ]
[ QUOTE ] here's a pic of my fathers 26 i just found the other day. pic circa 1968,394 Olds,tri power,Hydro-matic,58 olds rear,and YES god forbid can anyone see what the front suspension is???? Hand built headers,painted in the garage 24 coats of candy red,gold lace patterns,30 somethin coats of clear! Went 9's and ran cc/a. [/ QUOTE ] Cool ass car! But was it running 9's on an 1/8 mile track? Sam.
Sam; no it went 9.97 on the quarter,it was running jus over the class record.cant remember if it ran c/a or cc/a,it was long long ago in a galaxie far far away hey Sam;Jus got off the phone with the ol correction,the class record was 9.97! the T went 10.07 he thinks..hey he's 75 in a week!!
[ QUOTE ] starting to look at ideas for wheels and tires,, lets see some early 60's wheel and tire combos [/ QUOTE ] Please. This kind of goes with pics of wheels and tires. When did White walls start to go out of style? nick
Check out this post from a few months back: