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today is a day that will go down in burger history! O/T

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Sam F., Aug 18, 2004.

  1. hankcash
    Joined: Apr 18, 2002
    Posts: 2,653


    Then there's always the...

    "It's hotter than 10 naked Nigerians in a wetsuit"...
    "I'm sweating like a whore in church"
    "hotter than a pregnant nun"..

    I got oodles of em'

  2. This is a timely topic. I just found out that the Press Box in Niagara Falls NY closed down. 1959-2004 [​IMG]

    You had to walk into the kitchen and write your order on a piece of paper, and if you tried sitting at a table before your food was up you'd get your ass chewed by Flo.

    Home of the PittsBurger (giant bacon cheese burger).

    Anyone ever see a documentary on PBS called "Sandwiches That You Will Like"? The guy went all over the States looking for the origins of famous sandwiches, like Philly Cheese Steaks, Muffaletta's and loose meat sandwiches. It's pretty cool.

    Damn, I'm starving.
  3. Dirk35
    Joined: Mar 8, 2001
    Posts: 2,067


  4. Deuce Rails
    Joined: Feb 1, 2002
    Posts: 2,016

    Deuce Rails

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fuckin' White Castle SUCKS.
    I was gonna go into some details, but they have already been abundantly covered. I will add that it really is odd that it smells the same going in as it does coming out... I can't even stoop to callin' that shit FOOD. [​IMG] (wheres the barf icon when ya need it)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But White Castle is traditional, right? My old dad used to eat there all the time, when he wasn't cruising Woodward Blvd.
    Did they mess with the formula or something?

    (I'm hungry. I'm going to see what the Hardee's here has to offer...)
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    Fuckin' White Castle SUCKS.
    I was gonna go into some details, but they have already been abundantly covered. I will add that it really is odd that it smells the same going in as it does coming out... I can't even stoop to callin' that shit FOOD.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    shitttttttt sliders (White Castles)are GREATTT, its just most the time ya got to have a bunch of booze in ya [​IMG] [​IMG] hell for over 20 yrs the wife & i would go eat there on Thanksgiving morning.. what a way to start Turkey Day.. don't know why ya got the super duper poopers but they have NEVER bothered me except for heartburn once in a while.. & what even worse then this, when the wife was pregnant w/our son she had the CRAVE. that crazy bitch would wake me up at 3am to go get her Double Cheese Burgers at fucking White Castles.... mmmmmmmmmmmmm steamed square bugers, hell i know what i'm having for lunch now [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]...joe
  6. scotth
    Joined: Mar 26, 2003
    Posts: 165

    from Austin, TX

    Man, do I miss In-n-out, Tommy's (Burbank), Del Taco and Bob's!

    I had it so bad for Del Taco, that I cabbed it to a Del Taco in Reno from the airport once while on a layover there. Ended up being about a $30 lunch!
  7. daign
    Joined: May 21, 2002
    Posts: 520

    from socal

    [ QUOTE ]
    II cant understand how people live without good Mexican food or In-n-Out. Fuck that place.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hahahaha. My mom lives in Montana and thats EXACTLY what we discovered right quick. I love the food in Socal.

    BTW I don't understand why you guys are fiending fast food burgers so much. You can make yourself a Western bacon Cheeseburger on your own grill that will BLOW AWAY any fast food burger. Light them grills.
  8. Fraz
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 1,818

    from Dixon, MO

    Bah. Steak N Shake. Now THAT's good eats.
  9. Actually the burgers at my own restaurant are better than anyone else in town (Angus beef, made by hand and grilled over real flame, fresh baked never-frozen buns), but that would be blowing my own horn (and if I could blow my own horn I'd never leave the house [​IMG] ). Also the best pulled pork sandwich and best roast beef sandwich in town. Have I told you about the meatloaf, steaks or chicken wings yet...? [​IMG]

    There's a place on the highway north of Toronto that had to build a pedestrian bridge over the highway due to all the people stopping and dodging through 80mph traffic to get to them. Weber's: burgers to die for.

    Ok, keep it car related... if you're ever in Niagara Falls Ontario check out the Flying Saucer Drive-In. Right out of a schlocky 50's B-movie, and you can still order from your hot rod (no car hops on roller skates though... too many accidents).
  10. Pigiron
    Joined: Jan 21, 2002
    Posts: 309


    [ QUOTE ]
    I worked in Montana for a few years and I cant understand how people live without good Mexican food or In-n-Out. Fuck that place.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The feeling is mutual. Fuck where you live! Actually I love Jimboy Tacos in Sacramento and I have a good time in California, but I'm always happy that I can go home to Montana.
  11. jalopy43
    Joined: Jan 12, 2002
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    Member Emeritus

    Wait a miniute!!You SoCal guys didn't even mention CUPID'S HOT DOGS!!?? [​IMG] Chili and cheese,they go "pop" when you bite 'em. I am homesick now [​IMG] Glenn
  12. Flexicoker
    Joined: Apr 17, 2004
    Posts: 1,416


    Everytime we go back to Cali to visit (used to live there) we always hit In-n-out several times, Tito's Tacos (and if one of my parents has to fly out there we have them freeze a bunch of tacos and burritos and bring them back on the plane), Brent's deli, Marie Calanders, and the Hat. those are some of my favorite restaraunts and we have none of them around here [​IMG]
  13. RF
    Joined: Mar 13, 2001
    Posts: 1,897


    I'm eating an Ultimate Cheeseburger from Jack in the Crotch right now...I actually got it to try their new Natural Cut fries. For me, it's always been about the fries, not the burgers. Anyone remember Carl's "original" fries? Sort of like Rally's, but better. Burger King's old, old ones were good, but like every big chain, they had to change for no real apparent reason other than change. I don't bother with the criss-cuts or seasoned shit...just a good, regular french fry. Actually, Wendy's still has pretty good fries.

    Burger-wise, I miss Fudruckers.
  14. Deuce Rails
    Joined: Feb 1, 2002
    Posts: 2,016

    Deuce Rails

    Yum. I just had a Hardee's Western burger for lunch.

    We'll see how it turns out! [​IMG]
  15. I DONT BELIEVE IT!!!800 views 70 some odd replies!!
    And none of the Washington/Oregon guys have even mentioned
    The best milkshakes on the planet! [​IMG]
  16. Missouri_Mike
    Joined: Jul 3, 2003
    Posts: 166


    [ QUOTE ]
    Bah. Steak N Shake. Now THAT's good eats.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was waiting to see if any midwesterners stood up for good ol' Steak N Shake!

    "In sight, it must be right", how can you go wrong with a slogan like that? And of course, the infamous "Takhomasak"!
  17. Sam F.
    Joined: Mar 28, 2002
    Posts: 4,225

    Sam F.

    i must say,tonight was like christmas,it was so delicious and delicatble. [​IMG]

    the only difference i noticed from the carls jr western bacon and the hardees western bacon was that the onion rings were kinda "chopped like" and they were on the bottem of the meat,i moved them to there proper position and all was well!

  18. slowpoke
    Joined: May 20, 2004
    Posts: 164

    from Austin, TX

    [ QUOTE ]
    Somebody tell me WHY that show isn't still on the air???

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Cause it's not another gawd-damn scripted-reality show. [​IMG]
    I love the commercials for the few tv shows now..."The Number One Sitcom On Television!" --- [​IMG] Cause it's the only damn sitcom on television!
    :end rant

    Anyways, this is a given, but if your ever in Austin try Dirty's on the drag. Or in San Marcos try the Tap Room, my personal fav. They have some monster burgers!
  19. Nick32vic
    Joined: Jul 17, 2003
    Posts: 3,060


    Steak N Shake is awesome. After every concert me and my friends go to we hit Steak N Shake. Before every rod run/car show we go to in Missouri we meet at Steak N Shake in the morning.

    I always get
    Double Cheesburger Plain
    Cheese Fries
    Chocolate or Chocalate/Banana Shake

    Mmmmmm, its so good.

  20. Assdragger
    Joined: Jan 28, 2002
    Posts: 819


    Nick, are they hiring where you work? If you can afford to eat at Steak & Shake, I`d like to get a job with you!!
  21. Hey Scratch I never hit the A&W at Conneaut, I'll try to check it out next run I make up that way.
    I have made it to the Boardman, OH A&W for a Friday night cruise-in a couple years ago... Very nice there, good crowd too. Friendly's right next door for the ice-cream nuts too.

    You got that right about the Mexican food over this way. Around here it's Los Campensinos (sp) for the best authentic food. Excellent food and service + they have a nice place too. Stop in if you are ever over this way. The tamales are the best.

    My daughter is stationed in Texas and when we visit there I live off the stuff. The best to me is the roadside taco stands.

    What's funny as hell about this thread is how we can all relate to it in some way like we are some huge get-together or something. Food is the one thing most of us can enjoy together without a pissing contest.

    Back to burgers, I had a Tastee-Freez, DQ, and SONIC when we were kids back in Hinesville, GA. Krystals when we went into Savannah. I think they all had a decent burger, but Sonic was cooler because they still skated out with the tray. I could eat a bag full of the Krystals. I think they are like White-Castles. Fudruckers burger once in Charleston = sex burger. Fantastic. Steak and Shake has some good burgers and kick ass chili fries too. New Brighton Dog Shop = killer chili dogs and chili-cheese fries!

    I can't eat a damn thing until after a 5PM appointment this afternoon, so I wonder what the hell is for supper...

    I'm starving...
  22. dvlscoupe
    Joined: Jul 21, 2004
    Posts: 760


    Hardees disapeared from Michigan years ago and then one night I went to my bosses house for a was about 45 miles from where I I was turning the corner to her street I saw it...HARDEES! I couldn't believe it. I ended up going there before the party and then crashing at her house so I could wake up and go there in the morning.
    I recently moved about ten minutes from there and just found out they are opening a Hardees right around the block from me [​IMG]
  23. Jester
    Joined: Nov 4, 2003
    Posts: 961

    from Blevins AR

    I just wish they'd bring a white castle to Arkansas.......
  24. The last time I had an in & out burger was in 1988 and I remember it like it was yesterday. I could never go to california without having one. I liked it so much a bought a cool t-shirt there that I wore until practically ran away.

    Here in Maryland I highly recommend Fuddruckers for an awesome burger. They are super tasty, and if you time it right you can get the monkey milkshake that's made with chocolate & fresh banana...

    The best overall fast food place in Maryalnd is Ann's dairy creme. It's been there for 51 years and Makes some awesome burgers, footlongs and milkshakes. In the mid-eighties they put in a huge shopping mall and Ann's was in danger of being bought-up and closed. The community was so outraged that the forced the mall developers to build around Ann's! It's always standing room only and ALWAYS worth the wait.

    I'm dying to try a sonic burger they keep showing commericals for it but the closest one is an hour away!


  25. Samantha
    Joined: Jan 9, 2002
    Posts: 130


    I skip the burger at In & Out & get the animal style fries instead...I think you might pass out if you ate BOTH animal style! haha On a food related note...I have become obsessed with this little burrito place down the road from me...their chorizo burrito has changed my life!! HAHAHAHAHA This whole "no carb" thing is do people do it!?!?!? [​IMG]
  26. NealinCA
    Joined: Dec 12, 2001
    Posts: 3,386



    Good Ol' Burgers...

    Let's eat!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  27. Hot Rod To Hell
    Joined: Aug 19, 2003
    Posts: 3,036

    Hot Rod To Hell
    from Flint MI

    There's a HARDEES in Flint... They have cruises there likethe 2nd or 3rd Saturday of every month
  28. [ QUOTE ]
    I just wish they'd bring a white castle to Arkansas.......

    [/ QUOTE ]

    they do sell them frozen around here in the stores, not as good as a fresh one, but if you're CRAVING them they'll do ina pinch.........joe
  29. Jester
    Joined: Nov 4, 2003
    Posts: 961

    from Blevins AR

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I just wish they'd bring a white castle to Arkansas.......

    [/ QUOTE ]

    they do sell them frozen around here in the stores, not as good as a fresh one, but if you're CRAVING them they'll do ina pinch.........joe

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Drunk off my ass stumble into Wal-Mart go the frozen foods section and pick up a box of white castle......I guess that could work [​IMG]

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