I'm going to attempt to start assembly of my 1957 Nomad. To do that I will need to sandblast my firewall and frame. does anybody know of a good inexpensive brand? Or maybe you have one for sale? Not Harbor Frieght. As I have already made the mistake of using their blaster. I need a hand held model. Thx Robert
I've got the cheapo Harbor Freight one, I use it only occasionally. I've replaced the "sand mixing valve" to a better one, the original wore out quickly. Other than that, it performs well for what it is. It sure comes in handy when you need one.
i'm the best sandblaster ever made but i'm in north carolina. build yourself a pressure blaster from a gas cylinder turned upside down. thats how i got started in sandblasting 23 years ago.
You need a good compressor... able to hold 135 lbs of pressure or so at about 15 cfm. That's usually 7-10 HP. Get a pressure feed gun. NOT A SIPHON TYPE!!! Then blast away!
i'd go to a truck repair shop and ask who in the area sand blasts and paints flat deck trailers, they usely have as good a setup as your going to find, the sandblaster i use to run to do trailers would blast a car frame as fast as you could walk around almost. cut through a 2x4 like a laser.
If you have to do blasting at home, borrow or rent another compressor and simply assemble a T fitting and plug both compressors together for increased air supply. Three is better. Done it, works great. No huge expense, no towing the vehicle across town. Its just that any home blaster is going to be relatively small and time consuming. Spread a tarp, use some window screen over a 5 gallon bucket to sift the media and re-use it.
Do a search here for PA Blaster. I am building one at the moment. Fiddy has used em and says the rock.
Don't know if there is such a thing as a good inexpensive one. ALC makes good ones. Might be more than you want to spend, if you're just going to use it every once in a while. They used to make a smaller one which is what I have. I think it holds 35-50 lbs of sand. It's good for fast jobs, would be good for your firewall but it's really to small for doing frames or bigger parts. I used it to do a truck frame once it took a long time, spent more time puttin' sand in it than I did blasting. Here's a 90 lb one. It would work better for bigger jobs. I would suggest finding someone local in the sandblast business for big items. That's what I do now. They usually do it cheaper than I can buy the sand. http://www.acme-tools.com/product/4070/
Get a good compressor. Keep the sand dry. Moist sand sux. After youve done the firewall, and frame, get a cbinet to do small pieces. Mikey
i made my own gloves, i bought a good pair of rubber gloves and a new pair of ladies leather motorcycle pants from value village, still had the tags on them, cut the legs off and sewed the gloves on, the vinyl ones you pay $100 for dont last very long. it cost me about $30 for mine.