I would really, really like to rent a plasma cutter for a day or two sometime in the near future once the weather warms up a little. I just called every rental place AND every welding supply shop in the phone book. NO ONE has a plasma cutter to rent. Anyone know for certain where I might find one? I only know one guy who owns one, but not well enough to borrow it and I think he might be a bit insulted if I asked to rent his. I've been scanning Craigslist for months hoping to find a used one cheap. No dice. Any suggestions? I would be happy to pay someone to use theirs for a couple days, and/or buy some new tips and such.
Yeah....I'd stick with your buddies....have him come over & do the cutting for a small fee. Plasma's are hard to rent. Very easy to burn up the machine after you touch the tip to the base material. Around here, I've heard renting a 220 welder can run up to $300 per day & I'm just 100 miles north of you - up here in Kc Carl Hagan
I agree with Carl. I have 2 plasma cutters, both name brand, and kindof pricey to let someone I didn't know rent/borrow one. Even close buddies, unless I KNOW they know the rules I would go over and cut for them before I would load into a truck. Look into ( I even hate saying it) buying a cheapo HF unit. It wont be much more then renting a good one so even if it only lasts you a year or two, you are better off.
Here's a thought, Since you know someone who has a PC, but you dont know him well enough to rent/borrow it, how about asking him *politely* how much he would charge you to do the cutting you need done? He wouldn't be insulted, and he might offer you a fantastic deal, plus if he did the cutting, he would be bringing his expirence to the table. Just a thought
True. If he isn't a close friend he wont be insulted at the offer of money. If he is a close friend, I doubt he would be insulted and will probably say "no money, but you buy the beer". As much as I hate agreeing with Darryl cause he didn't vote for me because hes a big ole butthead
It's a little ways away, but found this nice Snap On plasma cutter on Craigslist for $800 in Cleveland, Ohio. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/tls/985794732.html
Aaaaaw 'ya killing me dude! Truth be told, I havn't voted yet....... But I can be bribed! It's really tough making the final decision, just soooo much good stuff there.
Yeah those things are pricy, I priced them at Air Gas in Joplin, 1200 & 1500. I can offer a sawzall, sorry.
Thanks, 41 Mopar. I've already got the sawzall and the cuttoff tool and even a metal cutting blade in my circular saw. But I'm going to be cutting the entire floor pan and trunk floor out of a car and it would just go so much better and easier with the plasma cutter. I've used one before and it's just too damn sweet!