I must say i agree w/Gooch on this one! Outside of putting some new shoes on it maybe?? Start driving it...thats got to be one of the best scores i've seen in a awhile!...Care to make a grand?? Dirty
I'm a bigger hotrodder than most and man, seriously think before you start tearing that thing apart like a speed freak. Once they come apart, its a long, long time before they go back together if ever. you can get 2 door bodies all day long. change the wheels and put good brakes on it and fucking enjoy it dude. leave this girl alone.
That will be a super little driver with a flathead. My advice (as if you care) is to get av8's book (How To Build a Traditional Ford Hot Rod) and build a chassis like he describes, install the flathead and drive the wheels off it. Frank
Shit, that is just amazing.. I need new friends. I tell my Friends what i want all the time. Sheeeit!
It is SO straight...I bet that paint would buff up and look really cool....I vote hot rod the chassis but keep the cherry body as-is! The chop could still work if done carefully...and if you could preserve that headliner...man...so awesome...glad you got it first...you'll do it right!
[ QUOTE ] over here they use a wealth of different steering box setups but the most common is probably from our 70's on Ford falcons if ya want i can have a look throigh some old magazines and see if i can find a swap 4 ya [/ QUOTE ] that would be the shit. yes please!
Trust me guys, it wont turn into yet another rockabilly shitbox... I have hacked up without regard everything else I have owned & I'm going to leave this pretty much alone & get it on the road as is and drive it for a while...
[ QUOTE ] I'm a bigger hotrodder than most and man, seriously think before you start tearing that thing apart like a speed freak. Once they come apart, its a long, long time before they go back together if ever. you can get 2 door bodies all day long. change the wheels and put good brakes on it and fucking enjoy it dude. leave this girl alone. [/ QUOTE ] THE GOOCH...he doth speak the gospel!!!!!!I agree!!! Fomoco, my fomoco friend,I've always been told that I have horseshoes up My BUTT, YOU my pal have a whole freekin horse!! (wanna make 2 grand??)
I dranied the gas tank, drained and filled all the other fluids... now I am going out to try and get some spark... wish me luck guys.. I wanna be driving it by dark.
I gotta agree with the Gooch. Give 'er a good cleaning and repaint, and a mild hotrodding with a riley head and a different wheel/tire setup (kelsey-hayes mebbe?) and mebbe a mild axle drop. I think a repaint of the original colors would be awesome. Once again, I wouldn't screw with the body. Just clean er up. -Crew
unfortunately i can't find shit - i was sure i had an article on steering box swaps but from what i can see the set ups are usually XA ford Falcon steering box- using its own column or that of a mazda rx3/808, use of the rx3/808 box and column, holden hq box and column, or nissan/datsun 180b/200b box and column - pretty much over here we just make a lot of whatever fit - i've got a mazda323 in my back yard and i'm scrounging anything i can find of that - central locking/a/cond/power windows/wipers basically whatever i can bend twist or beat into shape to fit i'm gonna use - hope those combos help - other than that there is a article on a frontend swap (very brief) using the 180b steering box - (pretty much just a photo of it) looks to be sitting where the original was - i've got a few more mags around the place so i'll have a look through them but i might have better lkuck finding rocking horse shit. so just hang what ya wanta use in place check to see if it looks ok and bolt 'er up.
OK here is my two cents. If it means anything. I think the only thing i'd change is the brakes. Mybe put some juice brakes in there and drive it the way it sits. That thing is cool the way it is. You are one lucky dog. Like i said just my two cents but don't cut it up.
Wanna TRIPLE your money? I'd drive it just like it is, too, not even paint it... 'cept I'd convert it back to LHD... you know, rotate the wear in the seats and all.
don´t know if someone would call these projects a score,but it makes your imagination going anyway,and yes, keep it as it is,I actually sold a ´30 plymouth sedan last year´cause I couldn´t bring my self to cut it,so now I have a piece of shit ´32 ford instead that needs everything! heres the link: http://www.rufusranch.150m.com/index.html / Vince
burndup! dont you have enough projects??? I still havent seen that girder fork on anything... trust me you'll see me driving that thing up in your neck of the woods... unpainted and 4-bangin'
hah! that girder fork SCARES me... thats why it was so cheap? I was gonna put it on that "baby roth trike," but no... I think the next kids' BMX i find in the alley will receive that... I have a motor and two trannys for that thing if theres trouble in what its got... CHEEP(ish) just so ya know! later, J
[ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Are you going to keep it a right hander? I think it would be cool if you did. [/ QUOTE ] yeah I am, I have to check with the UK, NZ and Aussie HAMBERS to see what to best to use [/ QUOTE ] Don't forget the Indonesian, Singaporean, Indian, Bangladeshi, Nepalese, Thai, Sri Lankan, Burmese, Hong Kong, Vietnamese, Pakistani, Malaysian, South African, Zimbabwean, Zambian and Bruneian Hambers, as they all drive on the left too Whaddayamean there is NO Singaporean HAMB contingent????
[ QUOTE ] I have a motor and two trannys for that thing if theres trouble in what its got... CHEEP(ish) just so ya know! later, J [/ QUOTE ] JAY! you RULE!!!! THANKS BRO!
Nice score ! As far as your steering goes, all of these are available right-hand drive, although some of them would take a bit of searching to find) ... - late thirties Ford passenger - F1 pickups - 53-56 F100 - VW bus There is also the HQ Holden box, which is made by GM and is similar to a Vega box. Quite popular and works well if you want cross-steer.
Thanks Simon! I am also going to see what the UK guys have as well. I am going over there in September so maybe I can pick something up.
Nice score. I have noticed that people shy away from the right handers for some reason. There was a decent looking rhd A roadster on ebay last week that didn't make three grand and a touring a few weeks earlier that went for cheap. I also saw a nice rhd touring on a web classified about a month ago that was like 8 grand. I can't believe the roadster didn't make the hump when half rusted out shells are bringing more than that. I say get it running and drive it. If you do those A brakes right and don't get in commuter traffic they are adequate, but juicers a mild drop and a warmed up B motor with inserts would br about all I would do if it was mine. I would just leave it rhd.