[ QUOTE ] I bitched back and now things are cool. I do however see where some meeker types can get hurt, and that's life, not everyone gets along all of the time. It's not anyones place to tell someone else that their reactions are wrong. If I offended anyone then I will go ahead and fuck myself since I'm sure I'll be told to. [/ QUOTE ] All this stemmed from this newbee getting bashed by me. This guy, I can tell already, is a contributor to this place. With a constructive positive attitude like that. How can he not be? [ QUOTE ] Sounds like some of these newbies need to turn on their sarcasm detectors. The old farts here are just testing them to see what they're made of. If the babies cry and leave............. well then I guess we found out, [/ QUOTE ] Yes, it is very hard to get a real feel for the sincerity of the typed word. As HotrodHon said..... Some people who have no idea what a forum is.. could easily get their pride ruffled and never come back. Not that they can't take it, just that they don't understand the rules or for that matter the sarcasm. I think a note at the top of the Hamb listing... Just like the auctions are listed at the top... Would be a good idea for these types. Some assholes just wont do it anyway. I like newbbees too. it's just like breaking a cherry.
Sam, you mentioned something about getting soft. Don't want to startle you but the whole country is getting soft. Everyone has to have their hand held, their bitch soothed, everything served up on a platter without earning it, given positions and pay scales without credentials, and on and on and on. Don't want to offend anyone (actually maybe I do) but we've had the Liberal agenda shoved down out throat for the last 50+ years and if we don't wake up history will record how some unknown religous fanatic fringe walked in the door and kicked our ass. Turn on the TV, watch the news (something other than the top networks who give you watered down slanted news). You will see what is festering in the world and if current trends continue what will be our downfall. Now before any of you liberals get your undies in a bunch and tell me all about the good social programs that have been enacted just remember this. This country is the LEADER in finding excuses for behaviour, we honor rebellion just for the sake of rebellion, we reward dishonesty by failing to prosecute the dishonest, our children are not taught to respect their parents, their teachers, or their country. I shudder to think what the patriots and the framers of the constitution would say if they could be brought back and see how we've perverted what they started. Boy, this has turned into a real rant, but not half of what I have on my mind. If this isn't deleted I'll be amazed, it just isn't politically corrrect. Now if your still reading let it be known that this isn't about Democrat or Republican it's about America, where we've been and where we're going. Both parties are equally to blame for allowing the whole country to become OT, all of us for letting ourselves be led down the primrose path to sure destruction. Wish I could be around 100 years from now, I want to be found totally wrong. Frank
I also think noobs should have to wear pretty dresses for their 1st year and serve us drinks. And then sing lounge songs while laying on a piano.
Fuck this place...you guys... its the weekend! Either grab your pinch or get into the garage and get to work. Me too!
Booring Swede, The brightest part of your dim bulb must have dribbled down your mom's chin ....mother/sister/cousin ... its hard to be sure Do I need to type slower for you, just want to make sure slow backwards fucks like you can keep up....
Fab 32,you hit it right on the head,this country is so soft,the navy can't do thier ritual of crossing the equator!!because they might offend some one,our guys in harms way in Iraq can't blow them assholes to hell because we might kill an innocent,give em all 24 hours then carpet bomb the place,no more snipers! But back to the topic,if you spend a little time checking out the board before you join it should be obvious what kind of lunitics reside here,my kind,so like it or quit crying and go support kerry.
I think we've moved away from the original intent of this posting. Lets not get personal here. I'm not suggesting we go soft on anyone. I don't believe it's soft to give someone the rules BEFORE you start to hammer them for not following them. I'm just askiing for a "Pinned" (alwasys on top) set of guidelines so we know the rules we are expected to follow. Then if someone breaks the rules we dip em in a large vat of Country Gravy and throw them to a pack of crazed weiner dogs!
"It's not about experice, smarts, or coolness. I'm simply asking to pin some guidelins up. Something that says read this before posting. THEN if they break the rules ya can blast em." Then all you had to do was say that, not that you would have bailed, if you had been bashed, because you're too old to "join the team". "Simply because that's what was told to me when I was introduced to the HAMB. I just repete what I was told. If it bothers ya, try some of that thick skin you are so proud of." Don't know where you got the "thick skin I'm so proud of" because I never claimed to have any. But I don't let postings on bulletin boards let me lose sleep. [/ QUOTE ]Mutt Oh Yeah, Charley sucked...... [/ QUOTE ] What the fuck you talking about with Charlie Sucked? [/ QUOTE ] We had a little storm down here by my house. Perhaps you missed it - Hurricane Charley - last weekend. It sucked. It also blew. A lot......I just got my electricity back. I normally don't bash anyone, unless they post something incredibly stupid over and over. Your post just sounded like whining, and your comment about you're too old, etc., combined with your Bio, led me to believe that you think you're above the way the board has operated since it's inception, and you have a better way for it to operate. I read the info people put in their Bio so I have an idea of who they are when I talk to them. Most don't even put their name in it, or where they're from. They're usually the ones who want to change everything. Since it's not my board, and I'm a guest, I would make suggestions for change to the OWNER by PM, not a general post, to avoid wasting bandwidth. However, if you would want to be seen as an organizer, stir the pot. You've been here long enough to know how the board works. Mutt
you have got to love this newbie bashing debate as it arises often. as i read these posts, "don"t be so harsh", "give these new guys hell"," its like an initiation, they can take it", etc. etc., a bigger question comes to mind---just who are all of these more seasoned hambers talking all of the shit?? i started checking bios and came across something interesting. for a bulletin board dedicated to TRADITIONAL HOT RODS AND CUSTOMS, many of these hamb hotshots have neither. now mind you, just as many hambers do indeed have ACTUAL hot rods and customs worth their weight (and you know who you are).stock farm trucks with " leftys hot rod emporium" faux painted on the side are not hot rods. four door stock grandma cars are not customs. now correct me if things have changed lately in the world of hot rods and customs, but four door cars are not cool, never have been and never will be ( the only exception being phaetons and the like). a 30 dodge sedan welded to a 36 ford truck, grafted to a 33 chevy coupe roof, over channeled, underpainted, to tall wheeled, with a liberal dose of iron cross bullshit is not a traditional hot rod. (a perfect candidate for old skool rods though). the point here is that a good chunk of these guys dont even have a car and those that do are just plain weak--READ WEAK!! although this board is a great idea, it seems like it has strayed from its original intention --exchanging info and tech about TRADITIONAL HOT RODS AND CUSTOMS. it seems to be diluted with, " build anything old bro, it will be cool and we will dig it". the funny thing is that when someone new posts his "hot rod" and it is glaringly obvious that it is not anywhere near being a traditional rod or custom, i am amazed at the " nice car man, welcome" responses. what to do about this dilemma?? who knows, maybe ryan should set up a division of hamb for stock old cars and trucks that are nowhere near ever being hot rods or customs.remember, there is nothing wrong with owning these cars, just don't claim they are hot rods and customs when they are not. i would expect a bit of response from this--from both sides i would hope. one last thing, when the angry responses come, take a peek at what they own/drive, might be interesting.
[/ QUOTE ]We had a little storm down here by my house. Perhaps you missed it - Hurricane Charley - last weekend. It sucked. It also blew. A lot......I just got my electricity back. I normally don't bash anyone, unless they post something incredibly stupid over and over. [/ QUOTE ] I just want to get this straight. You feel my suggestion of posting the rules BEFORE you enforce them is incredibly stupid or redundant. Asking what people think is incredibly stupid or redundant. And we should keep the subject to strictly traditional hot rods n kustoms. Unless of course we are talking about the weather in Florida. I'm aware of the Hurricane I just didn't see where it fit in while you were calling me a whiner. Perhaps if you had said, "I'm sorry I'm a little testy, my electricity has been off for three days and the vibrator up my ass doesn't work on batteries." I would have understood. Just saying "oh yea, charlie sucked" my incredibly stupid brain didn't put the two together. I was trying real hard not to get personal, but if you want to go down that path we can.
This is absolutely the GAYEST bunch of shit I've ever read on here. Who fucking cares. BUT...I do want Hotrodhon's link to his hot chicks again. I forgot to save it in my favorites.
Over the past few years I've seen newbie bashing that was uncalled for and I've seen and done some that was well deserved. I don't see anything wrong with telling people what is expected of them and what should and should not be discussed on this board. But if some asshole wants to mouth off or talk about his Honda, I think he needs to be shown to the door. But if a well intentioned guy strays off the path because he didn't know any better, then we need to give him some slack.
[ QUOTE ] [/ QUOTE ]We had a little storm down here by my house. Perhaps you missed it - Hurricane Charley - last weekend. It sucked. It also blew. A lot......I just got my electricity back. I normally don't bash anyone, unless they post something incredibly stupid over and over. [/ QUOTE ] I just want to get this straight. You feel my suggestion of posting the rules BEFORE you enforce them is incredibly stupid or redundant. Asking what people think is incredibly stupid or redundant. And we should keep the subject to strictly traditional hot rods n kustoms. Unless of course we are talking about the weather in Florida. I'm aware of the Hurricane I just didn't see where it fit in while you were calling me a whiner. Perhaps if you had said, "I'm sorry I'm a little testy, my electricity has been off for three days and the vibrator up my ass doesn't work on batteries." I would have understood. Just saying "oh yea, charlie sucked" my incredibly stupid brain didn't put the two together. I was trying real hard not to get personal, but if you want to go down that path we can. [/ QUOTE ] I'm not a little testy, my electricity was off for 7 days, and I don't have a vibrator up my ass. You have taken several paragraphs and put them together to work yourself into a frenzy over nothing. Context counts. The Charley comment was after my signature, and not directed to you. I'm sorry you have an "incredibly stupid brain". You obviously have a thing about getting personal - you mentioned it to at least one other poster. No need to get personal. No need to get all worked up. You're unable to comprehend what I was saying in a rational manner, so I'll bow out of this post. I have to agree with fatassbuick - this post is a gay bunch of shit. Try to calm down - Heart attacks aren't fun. Have a nice evening. Mutt
i think some of these newbies just need to swallow some pride - intro themseves and get the fuck on with it - this rant is going on too long hot rods - what the hell is a traditional hot rod - half of the real hotrods only had a split manifold of the six to get twin exhausts and a few other mods - nothing as much as what most rods look like now - they were just young guys doing mods as they could afford to their car who the fuck is kerry?????????????????????
[ QUOTE ] This is absolutely the GAYEST bunch of shit I've ever read on here. Who fucking cares. BUT...I do want Hotrodhon's link to his hot chicks again. I forgot to save it in my favorites. [/ QUOTE ] Can I get an AMEN!
I'm getting soft, then again I am 86 years old. I think everyone's an asshole until they prove themselves otherwise.
[ QUOTE ] This is for you FatAss You too MoFo http://www.hotrodhon.com/BadMorning.jpg [/ QUOTE ] You are Rokken like Dokken!
surely this whole bitch session should have been directed towards ryan - maybe he can put a note about introing yourself when you register - oh thats right half you backwoods barnies can't read - get over it. and get back to the garage - i wanna see pics of build ups not have discussions over how mean we are to people well FUCK THAT!!!!!!
[ QUOTE ] I'm getting soft, then again I am 86 years old. I think everyone's an asshole until they prove themselves otherwise. [/ QUOTE ] Thats what Viagra is for bro!
Re: That photo of the gun holder. "Looks like a good bet!!" "Couldn't get a better point spread" Don't care about the rest.............OLDBEET
You have the tits of an 18 year old, you'd better give them back because you're wearing them out. The above was stolen from The Benny Hill Show, circa '77.
Is this the post where we attack each other? Who gives a flying fucking shit! this post isnt worth wadding up and shoving up a rats ass! you Hon, havent made one intelligent post since you signed on here and what is it with that fucked up avetar you so proudly display? Is it funny or just as stupid as your posts? Nudity is one thing I thought was not accepted here? I have to deal with gun toting porn stars every fucking day! I thought this was one place where I could get away from the FUCKING idiots!! Good God its like swaddling flies! What is the fucking point?!?! Oh yeah, tack a post explaining the HAMB rules of etiquette to the top so the clueless morons dont get scared away! Good idea brainiac. You make me want to get drunk. .................... Mutt, I like you more every post you make. Sam, we all love you, you are a teacher. Germ we miss you, I miss you. Even though you never once responded to any of my posts. Keith, you bring the whiskey and bandaids, I feel a drunk coming on. Nads, I knew it, you are too wise to be young. Paul
[ QUOTE ] Repeat after me: "Babe, you KNOW I didn't mean it... I love YOU!!" [/ QUOTE ] I really cant belive I read all this just to see this picture ?????
I lurked for about 2 years off and on.....and watched the newbies get HAMB'rd!! Had a fair idea of what was expected(doesn't seem like anyone does that anymore)!! I came out of it with minor scratches and bruises! (no pic's,no camera) I love this place!....it's educational and entertaining! BUT....if one new guy gets HAMB'rd for a crappy intro,then they all should!! It seems ...if someone "vouches" for you...then it's ok to have a shitty intro......why? The rest of us still don't know them!! All I can picture is Ryan sitting there, head in hands,going.."why,why did I do this?!" I feel for ya brother!! And I'm sure that,Rashy,in an effort to restrain himself,had himself ductaped to a chair!!!
i had what you would call a shitty intro, but how much crap do you want me to spurt? the basics are.. im 21, and drive a 65 ford wagon. its shaved, slammed with solid rear suspension (ouch!) Pearl white t&r, and open headers. it may not be 100% trad but its a start..im always choppin and changing. and it gets me round.