Received word this am that long time hot rodder, engine builder Jay Steel Of Taylor Engines in Whitter Calif. passed last nite do to complications from throat cancer. God Speed Jay
That sucks... Jay did the machine work on my flatty... I didn't know he was sick. RIP... I need to add that Jay met my daughter once years ago at the LA Roadster show and asked for her by name every time I talked to him... Even if it was months since the last time we talked. It was an indication of the kind of guy he was... He truely was a wealth of knowledge and I don't think he shared a fraction of what he knew.
Words cannot express my sadness at loosing such an unforgettable friend as Jay , in the 20 years I've known him he has been a friend , mentor , educator & wonderful story teller You are missed By us all here at LimeWorks Jay , Barbara your in our thoughts .
How very sad - condolences to Barbara and family. Jay was a man of integrity with a wealth of knowledge and an all round stand up guy.
Just heard the news and I'm in a state of shock. Jay built the banger for my coupe around five years back and in the process became a good friend. He was a great guy to spend time with and it was always a pleasure to meet with him on our trips to California. The engine in my A is a credit to Jay and still runs as strong today as the day it was first fired up. Barbara, Jacqui's and my thoughts are with you.
Wow, that's sad news indeed. Seems like every time I went in to Taylor's there was a story to be told before parts or machine work could be picked up. Kinda makes me smile to think about those times Godspeed, Jay
Very sad news. Spoke to Jay couple of times when buying stuff for my banger. I never met him, but he was a cool bloke to deal with over the phone. Even got some stuff in the post to me before I could get the money to him, 'cos he knew I was in a rush. Gonna be missed, I reckon. Condolences to his family.
So sorry to hear of his passing. saw him and spoke to him about three months ago. Have known Jay for about fifteen years, he will be sorely missed. He was a master engine builder without a doubt and as a person and as a machinest he has left a void in all of us. Happy Crusin Jay, So long, it was an honor to know you......
Sad news!!!!!!!!! The world has lost another master. There is no way to replace the knowledge lost with the passing of this fine man. RIP Mr. Steel. Condolences to his family.
He will be missed. We were at Taylor ENgine last Thursday and my wife sat in the car while I discussed current project in the office with Jay and when I got up to go he insisted that he should come out and say hi to her and she gave him a big hug. We are both feeling very sad and wish to convey our sadness to his wife.
I got the news from Limey Steve today. I met Jay a few years ago at LA Roadster show. This last year he built two flatheads for me and in the course of doing them we got to know each other a little bit. He was a gentle soul and and all around good person. About a month ago he asked me to come by and get one of the motors and asked that I pick up all of the left over stuff from the builds. When I was leaving we shook hands for a long time, he looked at me and said it was a pleasure working with me and told me to take care of myself. Thinking back, I think he knew. He was saying goodbye to me. Godspeed Mr. Steel.
A very sad bit of news and I will miss the man. Jay, Barbara and the rest of the crew at Taylor built several engines for me and it was alway such a treat to visit his shop to drop off and pick up hardware. It was liking walking into a candy store and having the 'candy man' give you a tour. The world of hot rods has lost a good one. I'll miss you my friend. RIP
How sad. I called to wish him Merry Christmas last month and prayed he would be around for another one next year. He had just finished a 327 for my daughter's '55 and I'm almost ready to fire the flatty he built for my '32. I really wanted him to hear it run. Besides the great engine work and his wealth of knowledge, I will miss the stories and the times we just talked. Rest in peace Jay. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Barbara and the guys in the shop. Gordon
Not sure how many people belong to FAST but those that do will treasure the rear cover photo of Jay doing what he enjoyed most. RIP Jay!
We've lost a good one. Jay hired me in 1977 because Kugel wouldn't (he said my hair was too long.) I worked for him until 1987, and he taught me many things, not only about machine work, but about life itself. Jay taught me the importance of excellence in everything we do, and to treat everbody - customer or not - as I would like to be treated myself. When I decided to go into a different career, Jay not only supported me, he helped me to reach my goal successfully. He stayed a friend to me and my family in the 21 years since I left Taylors. It's been great to see all of the postings on this website, especially the ones from old friends (Hi, Gordon!) I only wish that some of the Jay stories we've been swapping had been recorded before we lost him. Jay, you will be missed. Barbara (and the Taylor Thugs), all of our hearts are with you. Burrhead and lauralee
Jay Steel will be missed, but somewhere Woody Guthrie is hearing a fine Harmonika rendition of The Pastures Of Plenty.
Here's a nice article on Jay.
Jay was a wealth of knowledge, a true gearhead. The friendship between Taylor Engine and Evans goes back to the days of Nellie Taylor, John Ryan, and Earl Evans when they were in business together circa 1947. Jay Steel went on to be one of Gene Ohly's best friends. I got to see Jay a few times before he passed. One saturday morning Jay, Barbera, and I had breakfast together and talked history for a couple of hours. I wish I had recorded the conversation. What an icon. Jay, you will truly be missed.
Jay hired me around 1990 to do cylinder head work, i was inspired by his wealth of knowledge, i purchashed a superflow flow bench while working for jay and started to do extra work out of my garage in Whittier for Jay and others. Jay asked me one day if id like to build engines along with doing head work, i jumped at the chance to learn from him. the two short years i worked for him effected my career in this industry beyond belief. I've been able to work for some amazing company's because of him ! Smith Bros. Pushrods, Hank and Doug Smith RIP Doug ! Toyota racing Development as a CART FEdEX Engine builder, nascar truck block macinist etc. he used to always ask me how the dark cloud was hanging over my head. never lied to future employers about my slight abrasiveness, but was always willing to recommend me on my abilities. I was able to purchase Taylor Engine Rebuilding in Oct of 2009 from his beloved wife Barbara. I sat with Jay a couple of years before he passed and spoke to him about buying the shop when we were finished he handed me a book and said read this it's about how to buy a business, this of course never happened until well after his passsing, it is my hope and Dream to carry on his legacy! . Jay forgot more than i'll ever know. God bless you Jay ! Chris Thoensen