Hello all, I've been lurking on here for quite a while, figure I should start to contribute when I can. Lots of great info on here. I'm 38, married, with two kids and live in Nor cal. My current toy is a 57 Ford Fairlane with a nice running y-block with dual fours and a T10 four speed. My father, who was my hero growing up was always into hot rods. He taught my brother and I quite a bit through the years. He built alot of flatheads and y-blocks back in the day. The first motor I ever built with him was a 292 for his 64 f100 shop truck, back in the mid 70s. Most of the cars he had back in the 50s looked like the cars I see on this board and shows like Billetproof etc. Hopefully I will be able to help out on here from time to time. p.s. I'll post some pics when I figure out how to make them smaller.
<font color="purple"> Welcome, nice to see another fine family of Ford "BIG bodied" car on the HAMB. I look forward to seeing the pix. Cheers, Cruisin' </font>
Hey, mang. My pops had a 57 fairlane- Street is Neat. We need more Ford guys around here anyway. Welcome. -Crew
Let me see if I can post a picture. [image]http://photobucket.com/albums/v404/57fairlane/57%20Ford/?action=view&current=TonysFords005.jpg[/image]
[ QUOTE ] Hey, What do you know it worked! How about another... [/ QUOTE ] Y block power what i'd give to have that motor in my 60 F100 Kick ass ride man welcome aboard