Why doesn't that surprize me? Those skids marks aren't from the rear tire, it's from her sandels when she couldn't find the brake!
[ QUOTE ] Oh yeah...there were lotsa cool cars there too! Found Meteor Man's wicked blue 56 Merc parked on the street and drawing a crowd... [/ QUOTE ]56 Merc??? it sure appears to be a 56 FORD
[ QUOTE ] Unfortunately, those are the only two pics I got of the truck [/ QUOTE ] Thats cool- at least I got to see some of it! Thanx for sharing.
[ QUOTE ] [/ QUOTE ] Any more pics of the front of this (shortened) A tudor Hack?? Curious about the front end.
Hack thanks for the pics. I was hoping to meet you at the show cause I never did at Billet Proof you are one of the few GMB's I havent met yet. after the show I found out that you were standing right by me when you were working on da skunk maybe next time
[ QUOTE ] ...and this kinda funky-cool little Triumph...dig that Full Disco exhaust!! [/ QUOTE ] Hey Hack that looks like my Tbird sport (98 Model) hell it's the same color....
That was my fave ride there next to the poor boys gold chevy pickup not sure the year...I got there late and my 51 was parked down the street a ways but we all know the REAL story behind the donut heheheee
that 40 PU was owned and biult by my friend chuck beaulieu,from plaistow new hampshire...its a sick truck
heres one from the road agents show in ct. ah shit my pics are too big to put here wat a pain in the ass!!!
Hi fat Hack I had a great time there , good to put names to faces, looks like I missed all the fun with them donuts!!!Who took the photo with the hamb guys and denise and big olds, would love to get my hands on it.
[ QUOTE ] Clean red 40...some things never go outta style! [/ QUOTE ] This car is dead on my dad's 40.Same wheels - tires- even the lake plugs are in the same spot.Wow what a trip.
good pic of ray stripin....hes the man!!! he did my 58 olds a few years back during his annual pilgrimige back to new england....hey ray!!!!