Just put my walden hubs on my buick drums and mounted the wheels on it to test fit them and !@#$?. Doesnt fit ! What do I need to do to make this work. The back of the wheel hit the drum before the hub.(about 1 1/2in.) can someone help me out
I just checked a '35 Ford wheel with my Buick drums set up with '48 hubs (mounted on the outside). Same story, no fit. I had the '35 wires mated to '41 Ford drums before and they work fine. Never tried them with the Buick drums. Maybe I'll think twice about using the Buick drums since I like to swap wheels around occasionally. pigpen
If you space the wheels out far enough to clear the drums, the whole drum will be sticking out inside the wheel,the contact patch of the tyre will fall way outside the kingpin centreline, resulting in hard turning at low speed and dubious suspension goemetry,and high loads on your outer wheel bearings... and will look pretty stupid in my opinion, the other thing to consider..buick drums came out long after wires were old hat..making it a mismatch of eras, which may not bother you,at very least Id run steel 40-48 wheels.
Yes, those are some of the complications that could arise. I went to the '41 wheels, but haven't yet installed the Buick drums. I want to keep an early '50's look so the Buick drums may go on the next project, one with a '60's flavor. pigpen
That is the facts of life when dealing with 35 Ford wires and flat brake drums. I got them on 54 F100 brakes, used a 1 3/8 spacer/adapter. They are on a light car, (glass T roadster with a flathead) so I think Im ok.
I couldn't have said it better myself, on both accounts-the change in load on the bearings and the era clash.