We just took on a 56 Dodge Coronet Moredoor It is a V8 Red Ram Labels on the valve covers Push button auto I have Vin & body tag # s Just what motor & trans combo is this ?? any # needed I have them. or a place for me to look them up at thanks Never been much on Mopars Larry Henry
Have any pics? 56 I believe was the 325 and since you didn't say it was a Hemi I'm going to guess it's a Poly motor. Don't quote me on any of this, I'm new to Mopar, but Abomination or some of the other great Mopar dudes on here will know for sure!
If it's the original engine then it will be the 315 poly or hemi. The poly has a scalloped shape on the bottom of the valve covers where the plugs go into the block. If it's a hemi then the plugs go down through the middle of the valve cover. The 325 came out in 1957.
The engine numbers are behind the water pump, just in front of the valley pan. Get a rag, some brake cleaner, & a flashlight. Post the numbers, YOU will get the correct answer here. Lucky667
Hey we will have pics soon It is a 2 bbl motor like I said I have Vin & body tag #s No casting # dont know where to start looking ? Thanks for the reply Larry
Look on the block. Behind the water pump. In front of the intake manifold. If you do that, there is no guessing, no maybe, it'll be correct. Lucky667
The numbers stamped are on the block. I saw some pictures of a 1954 Desoto posted for sale here, I noticed the valve covers were wrong. I asked for the numbers stamped on the block. The engine turned out to be a 1955 Chrysler 331 Hemi. This engine may not be correct for the car. If you get the stamped numbers off the block, there are less chances of making a mistake. Get it right the first time. Lucky667
It is Definitely Not a Hemi It has the scalloped valve covers onit & a decal that says Red Ram ? I will look for some casting #s be hind the pump Thanks Larry
So you'll be the first to know, if the numbers are D63-1 it is a 270. If the numbers are D63-2 or D63-3 it is a 315. Good Luck. Lucky667
Ah, a Red Ram! Beautiful motors... but before I get into 'em, check out vintageozarks' site. If I remember right, he has an awesome '54 Ford ambulance for sale! It's a 270 or a 315... Is this your motor? 270 Have to click the link - wouldn't let me embed: http://forum.olskoolrodz.com/gallery/data/500/medium/56_Dodge_006.jpg 315 ~Jason
It's a 270, according to my book the 270 was the standard V8 in the Coronet and the 315 hemi head was an option but you coudln't get a 315 poly in a Coronet. Neat car, I'm just finishing up a '55 Royal myself.
Trans could be a power flite 2 speed or torque flite 3 speed. If there is a push button for second then its a three speed torque flite there is a lever uder the gear selector pod with cable for the E brake. Neither tranny had a Park with a prawl. A working parking brake is a must or the sucker will roll away form you.
LOL! Yeah, all those Mopars with automatics didn't have a real "park" position for years, and they had to use the emergency brake! Thankfully, '56 was on the tail end of that tirade... ~Jason
My '60 Plymouth doesn't have park, I believe they used that pushbutton/no park setup until at least '62. I don't think there was a Torqflite tranny option until '57. So the tranny would have to be a Powerflite.
Thanks for the info, I Think park was not in very high demand back then My 54 Olds 88 did not have it either & the owners manual said for parking put in R & apply hand brake
From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TorqueFlite "A parking lock was not provided until the advent of the aluminum-case Torqueflite in 1960 (standard-duty A-904) 1962 (heavy-duty A-727), at which point a lever was added adjacent to the pushbuttons: Throwing the lever to the "Park" position placed the car into Neutral and engaged a lock pawl on the transmission's output shaft. Throwing the park lever out of "Park" position unlocked the shift buttons so that a driving range could be selected. The buttons were replaced by conventional steering column- or floor-mounted shift levers in all automatic Chrysler-built vehicles for the 1965 model year, though floor levers were available in certain sporty 1964 models."
I'm calling bullshit on Wikipedia. Not to be a dick, but you could NOT get park on a '60 Plymouth, unless the Valiant had it and not the full size cars or something like that.
Wikipedia is at least 60% bullshit. Sometimes 100%, depending on the subject matter. Take nothing you read there as hard fact.
Hey guys didn't mean to start a feud I just took this car in and been looking for all info possible Thanks for the input I am going to go & get it fired up next week 5yr ago it drove to where it is parked Hand brake only Due to the owners health he decided he couldn't handle it That's when he called me & said give a good home! Larry
Cool, post some pics. When you fix the brakes, you can bolt on a later Mopar dual chamber master cylinder, my '55 uses one out of a '73 Dart. Cheaper than a stock one and safer too. You'll have to adjust the brake rod out (or shorten it) but it works well.
Susan put some pics of it on our site for sale . I want to have some fun with it first I usually have at least 1 project going in the shop of my own. When I was a kid I stray dogs followed me home Now it's cars & trucks .In my 50s I still have to have my toys to play with & squablow thanks for the tip cause I would like to take it out and play with it I havent got the # s off the block yet But the decals stickers on the valve covers say RED RAM?
Found 'em! http://picasaweb.google.com/VintageOzarks/1956DodgeCoronet# That sure is a nice rollback you have for sale, too! ~Jason