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WEAR YOUR HELMETS!! Accident pics of me

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by cfnutcase, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. well i'm eating dinner and just saw this thread and looked at the pics.......THAT SPIKED MY APPETITE!
  2. good to see you survived man , get well soon..
  3. bungle
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 84

    from el paso tx

    glad your still with us. i think every parent of kids who have atv's need to see these pics. i work at a high school, and we just lost a 15yr old to an atv accident. he was out with his friends riding and he even had a helmet on. smacked his head into a cement canal. no matter how athletic or cool your kids are, don't let them out of your sight when riding those things.
  4. . Dude, not to insult, or offend, but that picture of you smiling with the neck brace, will be great for your christmas cards, too bad it's 10 months away..
    Seriously though, we must be caful and vigilant about everything that we do, as any act can become deadly in no time at all. A friend of my dads was giving his kid a ride on a atv, when the kid hit the front brake and flipped the atv and his father over on top of him, killing the kid....during a family party......
    Hope you have a thorough recovery dude...
  5. bigblk1177
    Joined: Feb 17, 2006
    Posts: 12


    CRAP that's gonna leave a MARK! DUDE:eek:
  6. squigy
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 3,915

    from SO.FLO.

    Oh man,"People wear those helmets"!!!!
    I hear this shit too often here in Florida.Glad you made it through...
  7. stude_trucks
    Joined: Sep 13, 2007
    Posts: 4,754


    ^^^^ edit: funny you mention FL. yep, here's my FL story:

    Back in the late 80's, down in the FL Keys, my bother and I were riding 3 wheelers through a thigh high grassy field moderately at about 25-30 and all of a sudden I see a cut off telephone pole sticking up just below the grass in front of me, quick turn but too late. The pole caught the back wheels and next thing I know I am about 12-15ft. up in the air looking down thinking it is going hurt bad when I hit and even worse if the bike lands on top of me - which it did of course. No helmet as well - of course being a 20 something idiot. The fall wasn't too bad as I hit ok and started to tumbled well, but when the bike landed square on my leg, I knew it wasn't going to end good. Luckily for my dumb ass, the bike landing on my leg was the extent of the worst part of it. But, it hurt like a mofo. After a couple of minutes of realizing that at least I wasn't dead or bleeding all over the place, we got back on and we drove the 1/4 mile or so back to his house. The pain getting worse by the second. When I rolled my pants leg up and saw the exact perfect impression of the philips head screw and the end of the foot peg imprinted in the side of my leg and about 1/2 deep, I realized this wasn't going to go away with some ice. No insurance and long way away from any hospital. I decided to op out of the helicopter ride the hospital offered when we called. Didn't appear to be any broken bones and the skin was not torn. So, I decided to tough it out until the next day. End result, no broken bones but it did cut part of my calf muscle and there is still a lump there today. But, I was lucky, lucky, lucky to have not just been killed right there. If that peg had hit my head like it hit my leg, instant death I am sure. You will never catch me riding an ATV or motorcycle without a helmet and quite frankly I have never even been on either since then or had much desire too.

    Good luck with the recovery and thanks for the reminder.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2009
  8. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,420


    I'm a critical care RN, 20 years, and all I can say is, EEEWWWWW:eek:. You're a lucky pup, bro, to be able type yet. Glad you're OK.
  9. Steves32
    Joined: Aug 28, 2007
    Posts: 1,258

    from So Cal

    Man- that makes my head hurt!!!

    Gives a whole new meaning to your screen name.;)
  10. 28hiboy
    Joined: Feb 2, 2007
    Posts: 404

    from Milton, Fl

    Nasty---Hope no one starts a seatbelt and windshield thread! At least ya did not break your neck from wearing a helmet. Not sure I beleive that last comment. Maybe we can get Myth Busters on that last one, but I'm going with busted.
  11. Lucky77
    Joined: Mar 27, 2006
    Posts: 2,495


    W:eek:W glad you're going to make it. Today the temp was just above freezing so I took the old Triumph for a spin through the slush and roadsalt. I wouldn't think about leaving the helmet at home, law or no law. For me it's just like wearing a seatbelt, I feel naked without one.
  12. pan-dragger
    Joined: Sep 13, 2006
    Posts: 3,186


  13. temper_mental
    Joined: Oct 22, 2006
    Posts: 2,717

    from Texas

    Holy shit you should be dead .Thank God you are ok makes me want to wear a helmet walking around my house .Rest up get well soon
  14. Don't forget to get a good skid lid guys !! You know what they say $50.00 dollar head --$50.00 dollar helmet >>>>.
  15. Damn,............. I hope nothing important leaked out of that crack in your head!!;):)
  16. Hans Buscher
    Joined: Oct 23, 2006
    Posts: 12

    Hans Buscher

    my god!
    nice cadaver pics.
  17. hotrod40coupe
    Joined: Apr 8, 2007
    Posts: 2,561


    Riding without a helmet is a good way to thin out the gene pool. You are one lucky SOB.
  18. Joe T Creep
    Joined: Jan 1, 2003
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    Joe T Creep
    Member Emeritus

    Wow. Serious wow. Lucky to be alive.
    Heres to a speedy recovery.
  19. Russ/40
    Joined: Jan 17, 2007
    Posts: 9


    GROSS ME OUT !!!!!!!!!! Happy to hear your gonna be OK. Thanks for the reminder.
  20. Johnny1290
    Joined: Apr 20, 2006
    Posts: 2,834


    Fing gross. You're so lucky to be alive. I bet it's super fun to ride an atv at 50 mph. I don't do it for the same reason I don't ride a motorcycle. Too risky for me. Glad you made it back!
    Joined: Oct 19, 2006
    Posts: 1,204

    from Ramona CA

    There is something to be said about riding gear.
    Glad your able to recover.

    Lets just say...been there done that but WOW! you really pushed the envelope.
  22. hamiltonintakes
    Joined: Jan 28, 2009
    Posts: 79

    from Chico, CA

    Wow, crazy photos. Some good luck you got there!
  23. 51stockshock
    Joined: Sep 9, 2008
    Posts: 22

    from limbo

    NOW THATS a cracked melon. good lesson to pass. glad you are ok for the most part
  24. GlenC
    Joined: Mar 21, 2007
    Posts: 757


    I had a customer in my shop today who fell of a moped a few years ago. He was in a coma for 6 months, and personally I don't know that I wouldn't rather be dead than end up the way he has. He has a full time carer who drives him around, and has to help him walk and change his clothes. Probably has to wipe his bum too if the truth be known but I wasn't going to enquire about that! He obviously had a sharp mind at some time, but he could barely string two words together today.

    I always wore a helmet when I had my bike, yes bare feet, no shirt, just a pair of old boardshorts and a pair of soft leather gloves, and my lid.

    Cheers, Glen.
  25. KreaturesCCaustin
    Joined: Sep 3, 2008
    Posts: 1,258

    from Austin, TX

    That does it. I'm buying a skid lid asap. Glad you're not banged up worse than you are, but you're gonna be sore as hell tomorrow. Just remember....chicks dig scars :D
  26. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,452


    Get well soon, hope many learn from your mistake. HDH, that was a class act with the helmet offer.
  27. hscott
    Joined: Dec 18, 2005
    Posts: 168


    Damn that looks painful...
  28. how long were you there before you got help and you are lucky go play the lottery glad your still with us
  29. Pothole 31A
    Joined: Dec 15, 2007
    Posts: 318

    Pothole 31A

    WOW. I am glad your ok and nothing is majorly wrong. It could have been alot worse!!!!! I have been riding motocross for about 10 years now and i have never once rode a bike without a helmet even if the helmet was a bicycle helmet and its for that exact reason of what happened to you. I am glad your OK just be thankful that your not paralized. (i have a friend that is and its not very cool)

    Please be safe everyone i hope this is a lesson for all of us!!!!
  30. jusjunk
    Joined: Dec 3, 2004
    Posts: 3,138

    from Michigan

    You must missed my post way back when (2 summers ago)when the wife and I went down on the glide classic.. Here in michigan on a wet on ramp... Damn thing just jumped out from under us.. She was fine . A little brusing and she had just put her leather on after the rain that came thru.. me ol tough guy that i am was wearing a tank top... When the bike left us apperantly from the wet on ramp and fuel on the ramp i fell to the right and my right elbow took the hit.. We both had helmets on (insurance bought us both new ones too) both helmets were junk as we both hit our heads on the pavement.. I had two puncture wounds to the bone big around as quarters and road rash that wouldnt quit but I left the hospoital saturday evening and went to work monday !... Damn was i sore... Ive done the no helmet in ohio indiana and a few other states.. NEVER AGAIN... Oh ya it took like 17k to fix the bike but they fixed it and saved me from loosing my ass on a 06 with 3k on the clock when we went down..
    Wear your helmets. Ive been riding since i was 16 and ive been down before but that one hurt and i was really unsure after I got the bike back but im still riding . On a side note the dunlops that come stock on harleys are junk . I switched to metzlers and its night and day especially in the grip department.. Helped me get my confidence back..

    Thats gotta hurt. I feel for you and thats really learning the hard way.. Get well soon...

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