I have 2 sets of DeSoto spark plug wire covers, and I'd like to remove the stamped in letters on one set...I'm wondering how to do it. They're pretty substantial gauge, and I was thinking of filling them with braze, or heating them red hot on the inside (torch), then flattening them with a large diameter punch. Naturally, they will be worked smooth after. Any ideas? Both sets are going to be chromed...
How about not doing it at all. Find a set of plain Chrysler wire covers, shorten them and relocate the screw holes as needed. Less work and a better outcome. PM me if you want to trade your Desoto's for some Chryslers.
I'd keep it bolted to a VC, cut the lettering out and weld in a patch panel of the same gauge just like patching a rusted 1/4 panel. Leaving it on a spare VC will reduce any potential warping. I'd get a piece of band iron to use as a patch panel and cut the cover to accept the band iron patch. Les work with a better end product IMHO
Why? Have you got De Soto shame or something? Are you trying to disguise what it is and pretend it is a Chrysler hemi? Be proud of what you have.
If I were trying to make it look like a Chrysler, I'd shorten a set of "Fire Power" covers. I happen to prefer smooth wire covers...which I suppose would make it look like a Dodge Hemi...
Harry Hoffman cut the DeSoto script out of his wire covers and welded it into his rocker covers. After smoothing the welds he had the valve covers chromed. Looked really neat I thought.
Are these just gonna be shot with rattle can engine paint?? If so I'd be tempted to put an agressive blast on em and just putty the bitches. If they start looking shabby in a year or two, pulling em off for a skim coat and reshoot is a couple hours. You could probably redo em 4 times for the effort involved in metalworking them once. Or you might get lucky and they'll look great for much much longer. If the smoothness is because you don't have a good restoration solution, there's been a recent thread on how to paint lettering without artistic talent. Well worth the search. good luck