So, here's the low down. I recently got put into a new position that requires me to be gone 5 out to 6 weeks at a time. Seeing as there's no point in paying for a place that I don't reside in, I had to box up and pack out. Now, this included my 29 ford that I have been working on. So, I came across this body guy that said that he was looking for work and would be willing to work/store my ford. Seeing as I was in a bind and at the time it seemed almost like a blessing, I made a deal with the dude. So off goes the ford to his "shop" and out goes a fair check to pay for some body work. Well we had agreed on labor cost, and I figured there'd be some additional costs for materials. Anyway, so to make this long story short, I get an email from the guy asking for money because he's plum to broke to buy primer and supplies to finish the job. Again I'm in a bind, and I told the dude if he can't continue working until I get him money then we'll just have to come to an agreement with what to do. My thoughts are to just get the car back and cut my losses. Here's the kicker, you may be thinking, why don't you just go over and pay the guy or get a garage and get the car back. Well I work in Alaska for 3 weeks and then down to Texas for 2. I have one week of free time to deal. So I guess I'm asking for anyone else's opinion. I'm planning on just shipping the car out to old Indiana were I at least have family that have some garage space to store it. I can't get my money back as the dude has already spent it, and I'm reluctant to put more in as I can see how this will just be some f'd up cycle. I learned my lesson, if you can't do it yourself don't do it. I'm just bummed that there's nogoodnick people out there that take advantage what ever way they can leaving a bad taste when it comes to trusting people.
Take the week you have and check out what was done, sounds like you anticipated some material cost and thats what he is asking for. If work is not satisfactory or a agreement can't be reached, I'd pull it out of there.
what they ^said^ i work somewhat the same way as you , get the car to a better place and find a better shop or just regroup ..
Go get it and haul ass man! I've seen this happen to 3 different guys I know. Only one got their car back, thanks to my dad. The other 2 guys skipped with a few cars and a fist full of $$.
If you decide to let this guy continue, ask what he needs for the next steps, and order the supplies yourself and have them delivered to him. Don't send money!
Since you put quotes around the word "shop" I assume the "shop" didn't meet your expectation of what a "shop" should look like... Like the other guy said, ask him what bran he uses, and order the primer yourself and have it delivered... Superpages will give you auto body supply stores in his area. If it's in bare metal unprotected, at least the primer will keep the rust down until you can make arrangements.
I would take the week that you have off and go see your car....Make sure that it is there in that shop and see if anything has been done at all....I would probably get it the hell out of there if it was my car.....Good luck
Thanks, guys I have a truck and trailer lined up and a co-worker with a barn. At least I know it'll be there when I get back.
More money for primer? That's a game. Show up with a trailer on your next week in Texas. Wherever you put it, this guy is playing a game and you need to cut off that game and start anew.
I guess I don't get knew up front he'd need money for he's asking for that money. That said, if you think it's getting hinky, the faster you get it out of there the better. I got involved with a guy, made a deposit, and later that night got a sinking feeling that I'd made a mistake. That's the same voice that I ignore at the craps table when it tells me to take my bets down Anyhow 6 months and way more money later the guy F'ed up my car and got more money. What a collossal waste. I shoulda listened to my gut!
Never pay up front for body work or anything else for that matter (roofing, house repair, etc.). If the dude can't afford materials and is so poor that he has to be paid in advance, he should not be in business for himself. Most of these guys do poor work, will keep your car for virtually years, and little if any actual work will ever get done. The real shame is that there are so many of them around. pigpen
He might be telling the truth about not having the cash to spend on materials right now. Times are rough. On the other hand there are alot of jerk offs out there that will take advantage of you. My uncle and cousin being some. They both have worked on peoples cars. If they get their cheap shaddy work done early they'll sell the car without a title for a quick buck. My uncle sold a 66 mustang for 1200 without a title cause the kid never showed up for 2 months with the cash. Supposed to pay him 500 for a 25 dollar walmart paint job. They both are in differnt states and work in their driveways but pull the same crap. Guess you get what you pay for. Wont let them touch anything of mine.
Dad always told me "your first loss, is your best loss". Don't listen to his next helping of BS, go get the car. If it's bare metal spray it with Gibbs and if nothing else is available put it in a well secured mini-storage. Run don't walk!
I agree with the majority, here. Get the car asap. If the guy is shady, he might try to get a mechanic's lien on the car and seize it.
Got the car back.......what is left. This is going to be one sad and sick story at the moment until I can get my hands on the car and start fixing this mistake. Two things sheet metal screws and bondo. It's pretty self explanatory.......I feel so bad for the car; what a nasty old man. I learned my lesson, it's just sad that this is a common story.