I gotta say I'm glad the ratio is what it is ... that means there are less dudes my age who PRETEND we know everything and more dudes on here who actually KNOW it. Respect.
62 and getting older; not old......It's all a state of mind.....and some days, of mind over matter.....
55 years young. And by looking at the bar graph, I've had my truck since before 20% of you were born! Bought in '74 for $200 from the grandson of the original owner. Kid didn't want it, but it's a keeper for me.
68 in June, married 48 yrs in Oct........so treat me good, one day you will be as old............lol..
You have youth and experience on the same site, what more is there. It should be obvious to the younger people that this strong interest in this car style does not go away. Be prepaired for a long association, it just does not go away. mike
LOL! That was gonna be my question. This means I've got less than ten years until I fall hopelessly into the plus sign, never to be heard from again?!
Ain't it the truth? lol I hope I finally decide on thinking I'm the handsome fellow from here on out, whether it's true or not.
I wouldn't have thought there would be so many old farts here. I'm 49... still clinging to the belief that I am not an old fart yet.
here ya go, always liked this old fart ever since i was a kid, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3c-WBn5cCg have a friend of mine reminds me of him, world war 2 vet,always has that cigar, I asked him how long he had been smoking it, he said after he gave up cigarettes,after he got out of the army, after the big one lol. he was still working at the plant until we all got laid off, still likes the girls, still goes up to Philly by train from time to time. I guess it's how old you feel.
Wow I'm surprised at how many older guys we have on here, I always figured it was a bunch of young hoodlums like myself. 26 here.
better to be an old fart than a young fart... old farts don't smell as bad... they've had time to dissapate!
i love seeing such a wide range of ages on here. and im glad im not the young guy and even happier that im not the old guy.
I'm 71 in April, feel like 35, still chase my wife around, and can catch her most of the time. Don't take any meds, wife asks, don't you ever get sick. Just finishing my latest 29 Pk Up, ground up build. Must be the sex, gota blame it on something. Iceman
Reading all these, got me thinking. Had a friend in Florida, had two 31 A,s. Both beautiful, House well over a million, money that he would never spend, enjoying retired life and last year he was out driving the Coupe, a young one needed in the lane he was in, and took it, and his life. His wife died 8 days later, so live it as long as you can, You can be 20 or 80. When you go, your gone, and they come in and devide the spoils. Finish the build and drive it, quite talking about needing a (round to it) and do it. Ice man
58 here, my 2nd 32 Ford and 3 motorcycles, Don't ride them much. 66 Triumph trophy, 69 Bonnieville, 69 BSA lightning. you see I like the same things now as when I was 16 including beautiful women. Ago