A pretty reliable source just told me that Indian Larry just died while doing one of his stunts. Is thes true? Can anyone confirm this or is it false? If he did, I guess he went doing what he lived to do.
He apparently fell off his bike on his head and last everyone knew he was uncuncious and on life support in the hospital, thats all I have heard so far. Greg
There was a post sunday, that stated that he was in a coma, on life support... havent heard anything today. -Joe
Evidently he did all the fire tricks, pulled off the fire suit & did his "surfing" routine (standing on seat), got too slow, fell over & hit his head. He was in ICU, in coma on life support, they operated & he died of heart failure late last night/early this morning (0340). I've been following fairly closely over on The Horse forum & they had a couple guys who were on the "inside" feeding the info as it came out. Sad to say, it's true. A true loss. I never met the guy, but heard nothing but great things about him & even if you don't care for his style, you can't deny his craftsmanship & abilities. He will be missed.
Geez! What a bummer. I didn't know him either but he oozed soul and character. Something we need more of in this world. Bummer.
Two notes from the Easy Riding web site: Hello... I was at the build off yesterday when Indian Larry got hurt and it was awful! He had been out and done several stunts and done them well I might add , then he went out to stand up on his bike for the second time after completing the other stunts . The debris left from boxes from previous stunts made the bike start to swerve he started coming down to regain control and lost his balance and fell backwards off the bike hitting hid head first then his back ! He then was unconscious and they air lifted him to the Main CMC in charlotte his wife was standing not 5 feet away watching and went to his side along with ems . All the builders Billy Lane , Mondo , Kendall Johnson closed shop and went to wait at the hospital as real brothers should . Upon asking law enforcement at the hospital if he was going to be okay I was told that he was raced into emergency surgery and now it was not looking good for a recovery. Concerned In SC .... Cindy ****************************************************************** Hi, I was a guest with Grand Funk Railroad, the band who played last night at the Concord bike build-off. What we were told backstage was that Larry has a blood clot in his brain from the accident and he was in grave danger. Apparently he hit the pavement with his head and did not roll, just hit full-force and came to a complete stop. One of the people who saw it said the bike fell one way and he fell another. They were not sure if he would make it through the night or not. All of the other builders who were guests at the event went to the hospital to be with him. I am not very familiar with the custom bike business at all, but I certainly hope he is able to recover and wish everyone the best. Just wanted to write in with this bit of news its all I know and I actually went to your site hoping to find out if there were any updates. Thanks, Michael Edwards Raleigh, NC
He went down doing what he loved best. It just goes to show that the good get takin away from all of us and we are still left with a bunch of assholes and hate to deal with. Thanx god if there is one!!!!! KNUX
Man, that shot takes on a whole new meaning. [ QUOTE ] May he ride off into the sunset in peace [/ QUOTE ]
[ QUOTE ] Man, that shot takes on a whole new meaning. [ QUOTE ] May he ride off into the sunset in peace [/ QUOTE ] [/ QUOTE ]I was looking at that picture earlier today.I got chills!
did'nt he say something in the Jesse James Discovery channel thing about the potential danger in his stunts and that he puts his faith and his life in God's hands??? i forget the exact quote but the feelings behind it have always kinda stuck with me.
[ QUOTE ] did'nt he say something in the Jesse James Discovery channel thing about the potential danger in his stunts and that he puts his faith and his life in God's hands??? i forget the exact quote but the feelings behind it have always kinda stuck with me. [/ QUOTE ] You are not alone, that is the only line I remember from Larry when he was on that show. I never got to meet him, but he sure had a great outlook on life.
A sad day...although I bet he was ushered into the gates of heaven riding in much the same manner as you see in that picture. My best wishes to his family and friends.
R.I.P Indian Larry you will be missed....He opened alot off pepole's eyes and showed them what the culture was about seans come and go....Its a life style and what evolves around it....Will catch you in hell cause there is no room for us in heaven...lol....Viva Indian Larry & all the real bike & hot rod builders...VIVA La H.A.M.B....Here is a lil more about how it happened... http://www.charlotte.com/mld/observer/news/local/9533189.htm
Dale Earnhart, died driving #3 Jerry Branson (joplin) died driving his Henry-J Indian Larry died on his bike, Surfing It don't get any better than that. How fortunate to go out doing what you love. They are all my HEROES. RIP, McCray
This sucks. Indian Larry was a really cool person . He had a great outlook on life.I was a big fan of his and I always looked forward to seeing his next bike.But if you have to go at least go doing what you love.
That's sad to hear. Was he featured in a Hot Rod magazine recently. I don't really know anything about him, but something rings a bell. At the risk of sounding gay... did he always do stunts like that without a helmet? Edit... that's what it was, his Rat Fink bike was just featured in a mag that I saw the other day. He sure built some nice stuff. RIP
This is a sad day but like others have said at least he went out doing what he loved,i wish i could be as lucky. i've never met larry but i did love his out look on life and bikes especially. RIP LARRY