I met mcphail that same weekend at that same show in ft. smith as you did ryan infact I think I remember meeting you that weekend also that was my first "real" carshow that I took my rusty ass loud 60 chevy 4dr to. Dennis was real cool I remember him and robert rolling giving me and a buddy of mine beer out of the trunk of roberts car while I was trying to fix my 60 I can't remember for the life of me what had broke but I know we stayed up quite late that night working on it. I remeber dennis telling me about how his cars rear end had gave up and how some cool dude let him leave it at his house and then let him drive his truck to the show. Little did I know it was ryan that he was talking about. Thats also around the same time I found the hamb and the jalopyjournal which I have been apart of ever since then. That show in ft. smith that weekend changed alot of peoples lives I guess. I never really thought about it untill now. I still have one of mcphails shirts I bought off of him around that time also maybe not at that show but probably at the dension tx show that following october. those were some good times back then.
I also have one of his prints or at least I'm pretty sure its a print of the six in a row chevy. I'll see if I can get a pic of it to post also.
I meet him a long time back at a mooneyes show i think. I bought a limited edition print of hot rod honey... still have it hanging in my office.
Ryan it did happen, not all the time but it did occur every so often. Thats the day I meet you and the HAMB. Great read and I'm proud to be an original garage goon and to call Dennis a friend. Sprout McPhail sucks!!!!!!
Love that guy! I met Dennis at Paso back in 99 and i was a regular gushing fanboy of his artwork and his purple chev. 10 years later i'm still pissing him off talking the entire time he tattoos me and and he's still willing to put up with it! much love Mcphail! -KCGREASER
Great story and interview Ryan and Dennis; cool photographs Jeff. Thankx Coby for posting the pics of the original artworks; Most inspirational.
I will add to the list of long time fans. Dennis' work has always stood out for me. It always caught my eye. I think the 1st time I saw it was on the HAMB. When I got the opportunity to help run a little hot rod accessory store, Dennis was my first call for T-Shirts. I couldn't wait to get them in the store because I wanted one of each! In fact I liked one so much (still have it even though you can hardly see the screen now) I had Dennis tattoo it on my chest. He was really humble when we spoke while he tattooed me. I still like him even though he charged me full price for a t-shirt the next day! We gotta feed are starvin' artists. Thanks Dennis FONZI
Great story! I too was the ivory college boy, then I went to the HAMB drags and Austin with some tattoo'd wild people. You're right, you are never the same...
Cool story.. Look forward to meet Dennis in person sometime. Really crazy how it all comes together aaron von minden
Wow.......I'm at a loss for words here..........It's been a wild ride so far, but I hope the underlying themes here are that no one can make it doing anything alone.........it takes a lot of friends and support from family........and it's amazing the nicest people you meet and add to your family along the way........And hard work, can't be afraid to get out there and lay it all on the line......learn your craft and never be satisfied with good enough......... I'll never be able to repay everyone who has helped me out......
Ryan, and Dennis. you guys are awesome. From My first day on the HAMB, I have admired your work Dennis. Some day I hope to be able to fill my shop and home with art from the greats.. Dennis is tops in the list, hopefully someday I get the pleasure of meeting him in person. I think it gives me a reason to get a new Tatt now I am no artist, but would trust anything he would put together with my ideas and his ability to put a conglomerated mess of thoughts together. Keep up the wicked work and Thanks for the AWESOME interview Ryan. will
great read!!!! wow I have spent lots of time in NOrman, Ok thats were I my wife is from its a small world!!!!!
Dennis Mcpahil, Man I dont even know were to start!! We have been friends for a long ass time, and he is one of my heroes!! My main ROAD DOG Curtis Murrell and I went to Kansas, before the Roundup one year. WE checked out Wellington, and realized we are in the middle of nowhere! We were amazed at how Dennis has had such an effect, on the Kustom Kulture Scene ( I kind of hate saying that, but I dont really know how else to describe it) From the Middle of nowhere!! Dennis and his fellow Kansassians are the best bunch of guys you will ever meet. My heroes!!! Jimmy White
Great read, Ryan. I have to say, when I found TJJ & the HAMB, I didn't get it. I have studied and soaked in the things I find here and they have shaped my thinking in many ways. Just when I think I get it, you present something like this interview... I have a lot more studying to do. Thanks Chief.
Great interview, one of my favorite JJ articles.. have you ever thought of writing full-time, professionally?
Dennis is my DP,brother,F.B.B.F. brother, and my brother from another muther.lol Ryan you did the boy well................
Also... it's a little known fact that Dennis invented the missionary position. Ask him to show you sometime, he's real good at it... Seriously, I had a blast spending a couple of days at the Artist at Large World Headquarters and taking a ton of pics. I finished shooting late in the evening March, Friday the 13th and Dennis topped the whole trip off with a special "13 Bomb" tattoo on my left arm. I picked the shit out of that thing and now I need to head back up for a touch-up. Congrats brother, you deserve the best. See you next month! hc