I got the firewall and engine mounts done for teh 39 this weekend. Here is the play by play... Why this firewall was buchered like this, I have no idea...Maybe for a REALLY big slant six... The upper part was in decent shape, so I made a new lower and middle part. Here it is tacked. I didn't want to recess the firewall, as it looks too street-roddy, but if I wanted to have a radiator, I had to move the mill back an inch. Made a spot for the dizzy... This is my trusty mock up motor I have used for teh last 8 years. Here she is mostly done. I still have to trim all the edges off teh motor mounts and maybe stick some holes in the tubeing, but this is the general idea. (yes, there is rubber on the frame end...) See ya, -Abone.
I like stock firewalls and went to great lenghts to restore mine, yours however, was beyond repair and you did a great job redoing it.
Great save on the firewall. I see your using a Pontiac again, Good. I'm waiting to see the final result on this one. You have saved some cars that should have been bailed up and remelted. Ever heard the saying "you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear"? Probably not. If you do hear something along that line politely tell the messenger to go f**k himself. Frank
Umm...thanks, guys...but it looks like it all might get cut back out... I have to notch the front frame to get the car as low as I want it, which will fuck up my new motor mounts..And, I REEEEALLY didn't want to recess the firewall, so I might go back stock and do something creative with the radiator mounting... Not sure yet... -Abone.
just make sure the motor does not sit to low, you need to be able to get that bitch really low for a nice rake
You are one of the MOST motivated guys I know. Nice work ... I think I will ride down that way in a few weeks and see it in person ... Randy
"Why this firewall was buchered like this, I have no idea..." Possibly the Battery Box on a standard firewall? Looks good