I'm searching for a post on if anyone has successfully converted the wipers on a 47-53 AD chevy truck? I'm looking for an idea, I have acecess to many newer parts cars ( honda civics, nissans, ect..) and am wondering if any have worked well for converting to a 12 volt system. Any Pics?? not looking for the $$$$$ bolt on conversions, I'm looking for el-cheep-o. by the way, I'm in the process of putting this 48 GMC on an S10 frame
I have read about using a cable drive system from an MG. Here is a post that is about converting a 36 ford with overhead wipers using the cable system. It has some good info that might work on AD trucks. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=325421&highlight=mg+wiper+motor