Hey guys, I just got my first car and have a lot to learn. She's a 1961 Olds 98. One of my first questions is about brakes. Are drum brakes always this bad?
the drums on my car work like a dream. its all in how you keep them adjusted and maintained. lots of things to try....start with a real good inspection. check all the springs, shoes, and cylinders. replace anything that shows signs of wear and tear. it'll be cheaper than an accident. also try flushing the brakes and getting new fluid in there. welcome and post some pics of that car already dammit.
Yeh drums suck but disc brake spindles might improve handling and braking ... check out classicolds.com http://classicoldsmobile.com/forums/clubhouse/11476-junk-yard-run.html#post70289 also olds faq s http://www.442.com/oldsfaq/ofsus.htm#SUSSuspensionUpgradingImprovementConsiderations
Welcome from Wash. I have run drum on many a daily. When I moved to Seattle and was in the rush hour traffic for 2 hours I had tons of brake fade and I did everything from stainless lines to exotic brake linings with aluminum drums. On that car I would have loved discs. My current is drum and I just added power but it is a lighter rig, so it seems fine so far. Depends on where, how much you are driving, and keeping your system in good shape. Discs are little more forgiving.
Im from a little north of san fran I havn't been in a position to really inspect the brakes because of the car being lowered its gunna be a little harder to get under there but from what i can tell those drums have seen better days, and i went to chech the brake fluid today and the master cylinder is in kinda a strange spot and has an odd screw on lid thats stuck pretty good oh and ill see if i have a pic on hand
welcome from socal.If the lid is stuck on the master cyclinder it means it has not beeen checked in a long time, your lines might be full of gel.I agree a good inspection is a must.Take pictures of the brakes before you take them apart so you remember where everything goes.
Welcome to the Hamb.I am just a little south of you. If that screw is stuck,that master may also have seen better days. I would replace the master,wheel cylinders,have the drums turned if possible or replace those also. Check all flex lines if there is any and replace those also. That is a heavy car and you dont want to lose brakes while driving that in any situation.