I went to work today not wanting or looking for another project.But then again the yard is not full yet.A new guy at work has had this in his shed for 15 years,his 6 year old daughter crashed it into a wall and broke the axle so there it sat for years.Now I am trying to find an axle for it so if anyone knows where I can find an axle or has one for sale please let me know.I may try to get it welded but it's cast aluminum and I cant weld aluminum.Enjoy the pics.Tom
I have one of those my wife uses as a garden ornament. It is slowly returning to Mother Earth. My 33 year-old twins and my 23 Year old son rode in it and drove it during their childhoods. I would swear the front axle is cast steel but maybe it is aluminum. Instretssing. Maybe I'll look out under the jasmine and see. This one, based on an ancient riding mower, has a belt drive tughtened by a lever which retates a gear drive unit on the rear axle, only the right rear wheel is actually driven. It has a hand brake setup which pushes a couple of steel rods against the tire tread to stop. I couldn't find any smooth tread tires like the rotten originals so I had to use knobbys which make braking a noisy affair. Kids and adults love these things, get it up and running and you will be a god!
I have one of those also. I found a number to a place that sell's or makes them. I'll find it tomorrow and call, If they are still there I'll post the number.
I found one of those in a guys garage, whats the story on those things anyway. Who made them? When did they make them , and what are they worth? The one I found the guy wanted 300 bucks for it, I did not buy it.
I want to see it with a 4" dropped axle, bigs and littles,chopped windshield,way tall top like Danny Eichmans "leg-show" tee. Mayby a chromed out briggs and scrapiron with some junior dragster type mods etc.,etc.,....
yup was going to say it looked like the cars shriners used to ride around in , those and the little yellow lawn mower engined jeepsters
They are probably still being made today. There were two outlets, on in the Midwest and one in GA. They advertise mostly in Popular Mechanics and Popular Science. Small ads, like 1 inch with tiny picture. They used to come in several variations, firetruck, stock, with pickup bed, with deck, and accessories too, bumpers, headlamps, top, engine cover.
"Aunt Jane's" was a brand of pickles in the 1960's. As a kid I remember the Aunt Jane's Company was doing a sales promotion and giving one of these little T's away. "The Aunt Jane's Pickle-Mobile". All us kids were crazy to win it. We drove Mom crazy too nagging her for pickles in order to win it. Dumb memory, huh?
Here is who made it and where.I don't know if they are in business anymore.I will try the phone number tomorrow and see.
ratrod, your in luck . there still excests a mini parts distributor. i recently asked for a parts list and price list. my mini model t consists of a fire hose and ladder truck.you can also order windshields, tires wheels spare tire mounts and a lot more ,including front axle. my other unusual vehicle is an american tri-ped microcar, three wheels. let me know if you are still interested tom grieger of pa.
O K , CO. name,Sharp MIni Cars. Place Kansas,U.S.A. Parts Phone (1-913-381-2324 . hope you get this, my pass word seems to work once in a while . good luck ,tom I am still waiting for my parts and price list . these little cars are worth more than you might imagine. I have seen them on e-bay fixed up for $1.500 to$2.00 and some times more let me know what happens . tom
Ratrod 37 If you go online using model t clown parade cars you will see a model t fire tuck and small trailer for sale for about $3,400.00 sorry about misspeeled fire truck. too big a huurry i guess good luck, tom ps my yahhoo adress is : thg.panzer@yahoo.com My 1st collection is Panzer tractors Tom
P>S> Your mini model t, is the older model. The lever on the side ,that controls ,either forward ,or reverse ,and also brake, tells me that this car ,just like my fier truck is previous 1975 , or older . This is important when ordering your proper parts . I found my mini under a deck. It was given as a grand openig door prize in 1976. The make of mine was Cru-Cut Inc. they no longer excist. Later Tom
I dated a girl in high school who's father had one of these in a shed. I've been hunting an excuse to call her.... Thanks, JH
So did I! it was really nice when I finished it, I painted it a nice burgundy, and I drove my kids around our small town in it. I decided to sell it and a shriner drove a long distance to get it and was thrilled. Kinda wish I'd have kept it though.
I have one too, thanks for more info on them .I have not been able to find a good set of wheels for mine. The ones on mine are like some kind of fiber injected plastic and one of them EXPLODED while airing up a tire. I have not been able to find replacement wheels. I will post pics tomorrow. Will
I have news for those, that like rat rods car ! Any way ,right now there is one on e-bay. It is listed(35 year old shriner model t car . appears it should go cheap,NO FENDERS, NO WINDSHIELD, BUT extra motor and spare wheel THis might go for much less . fixed up worth $1,5oo.oo or more. Parts can be gotten from SHARP MINI CARS phone number is 1 913 381 2324 good luck ,I seem to find ,these little cars about once a mouth, but I"m always looking . Tom of Stewartstown ,Pa.
another possible source http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft%3A*%3AIE-Address&rlz=1I7ADBF_en&um=1&sa=1&q=McDonough+model+T&btnmeta%3Dsearch%3Dsearch=Search+the+Web&aq=f&oq=
No wonder those are turning up, the damn shriners have upgraded to fibreglass dueces. Whats the worlld coming to????? At least the support vehicle is traditional.
mini model t cars: I just recieved the parts price list for bothe the newer and older models of these little mini cars. they also sent pictures of their newest car. It appears to be a mini street rod ,no hood, nofends ,but tough lookin ,for a mini. this car loks like member harrison s only it has the windsheild. the price list for the older axle is $95.00 . You can also order the radiator plated, and hub caps. tom