I could not wait for the "What did you guys do this weekend post", so here is a link to my online album of the project thus far. 1954 Ford Sedan I need to get an accessory plate for the bottom part of my C4, anyone have one I can buy off of you? Otherwise off to the junkyard I go when I look for an extra set of gears for the 8 inch. Something taller to swap out for in town cruising and freeway gears interstate traveling. I have 2.73 now thanks to HotRodRon! Thanks to Metalshapes for the engine core to work with. For Arizona folks, I need to get my radiator redone. Any good radiator shops in town that can rebuild mine or any recommendations for replacing it? The core is shot.
No, these are other valve covers I got when I gave you the ones in question. I never expected to get them back again. I plan on painting in between the fins black.
Did you fabricate the motor mts or buy aftermarket ones. I am going to put a 351C and FMX trans in the wife's 54 tudor. Am using 67 Mustang 8in also. Which one did you use? Thanx, Dave <font color="red"> </font>
The rear end is a 1968 Mustang 8 inch, according to HotRodRon and as far as the 351 W mounts, I used motor mounts from ND GearHeads. I had to create shims as the engine did not sit totally flush on the crossmember, I used a piece of 1/8 inch steel plate cut to size.
I have a '54 Victoria, I'm running a FE motor. I went to have my radiator recored, it turns out that US Radiator still makes replacements. Give them a try, they're Hi Flow units that really keep the car running kool.KK
As long as you dont drive down dirt roads every day you can leave the plate off the trans, I've left them off both my c4 cars because trans guys have told me that the converter creates all the heat in there and could use some air. by the way nice to see another ford in a ford.
Hope this helps the radiator question. Griffin can duplicate yours if you send the old one to them. Odd Rod Creations and Durham Diesel both have sent radiators to Griffin with great sucess. The most recent is a 32 Packhard. Other than being aluminum, its shape looks and fits just like the original. This can be an alternayte when a replacement can not be located. I suppose Walker could do the duplication, also.
[ QUOTE ] Doh! I mean the maintenace inspection plate on the bottom part of the bellhousing opening. [/ QUOTE ] i'll see if there's one laying around here,my nephew has a bunch of extra SBF stuff from the mulletstang-george
Thanks for the info guys. I looked into US Radiator and I will compare against Griffin. I still have my original radiator, it is just holey.