Planning on Z'ing my Model A frame, never done one before. Does anyone have any dimensions I can use? My concern is that it seems that when you Z the frame you will also be stretching the overall length at the same time which I wouldn't mind but I don't know how that will effect where the body sits on the frame. Ideally, I'd like to stay at around 106" wheelbase. Any pointers greatly appreciated.
Maybe you should just get a reverse eye front spring and remove some leafs, Itll drop it noticably in the front.
Have a look at this picture of my frame.My wheel base is 106'' a bit more than stock, as it gives you more room for the motor. Nick.
SlamCouver: Thanks for the vote of confidence!! LOL! I'll figure it out. You're drawing doesn't add any material for a "major" drop. But thanks for posting it the visual helped.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence!! LOL! I'll figure it out. You're drawing doesn't add any material for a "major" drop. But thanks for posting it the visual helped. " Doing it that way drops the car 4'' in the front. You'll get it the Hamb has alot to offer as far as information, do a search maybe you can come up with more.
How? If you move the front backwards an inch, and the rear forward an inch, and weld it back up, how does that not shorten the overall wheelbase? I could see if you "z" it, and add material back in... I mean no disrespect, & excuse my ignorance...I am just mentally picturing your drawing in my head...and not getting how the wheelbase isn't shortened without some other work to the suspension (moving the axle back) or frame (adding material) somewhere.
Look again at his diagram - he just moved the right hand section of frame vertically down under the left hand section. Nothing moves forward or back at all.
"he just moved the right hand section of frame vertically down under the left hand section. Nothing moves forward or back at all. " exactly, its an optical illusion but nothing moves.
"exactly, its an optical illusion but nothing moves." order to bend the spoon, you must first realize...there is no spoon. -Abone.