I know that a lot of you guys and girls on here have roadsters and I'm wondering, what would you have if Ford never made the roadster??? I know I might catch some hell for this, well so be it. I've just noticed from reading all these posts that a lot of people have them and I also know that some people will only have them. Don't get me wrong, I like them. And say what you will, I'm not trying to be an ass I'm just wondering what if.
Wasnt that a john lennon song??? "imagine there's no roadsters.. Its easy if you try"....... Shit.. Sorry... I'll go to bed now.....
And on another planet far, far away, someone is asking on a forum....what would you do if LKYOXRT never made a roadster? It must be late. I think my brain has turned to mush.
Let's see. Walking is like a roadster... riding a horse is like a roadster... a chariot is like a roadster... Hanibal's elefants were like roadsters... a horse n buggy is like a roadster... riding a bike is like a roadster... so why the heck wouldn't the first cars be roadsters? I think "roofs" were only for the rich who couldn't find shelter on a long trip while in a heavy rain, or for merchants who didn't want their merchandise ruined. Gary
The answer to that question is in hours and hours of looking thru all these posts and looking at all the cool pictures, information on the other options that people have done here. You could write a book. Oh Maybe this is a HUGE Book?????
Wouldn't it stand to reason if Ford never made a roadster we wouldn't ever know what we were missing and just use whatever was out there? Have I lost any of you with this concept? Stocking up on popcorn last week was good idea. I think this is going to be a long summer. Frank
You've been here a year, that should be long enough tio know that if they never made it, and hambers want one, they will just make them.
...I'd patent the idea, then use the millions of dollars I make on MY roadster idea to build a time machine so I can send a robot back and stop you from posting this thread... No, seriously, you better follow me...
I would just curl up and die wimpering. I will never have enough money to buy one since I'm busy BLOWING IT ON THE COOL SHIT I ALREADY HAVE!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.............
Park one of these next to a Deuce roadster at a Goodguys show and see who gets the bigger crowd. Uh-huh, done it and was pleased.
I suspect if Henry hadn't built roadsters than other manufacturers might not have made 'em either. A lot of manufacturers built cars by copying off the company who had the greatest sales (still do today). If enough people cut the top off of coupes, then the manufacturers would have got wise and started building roadsters. Talking theory is a good thing, but now let's get back to the real stuff.
I respect that answer, and the rest of you need to chill out. I just asked because a lot of you have them and I wanted to know what you would have if they weren't around.