Hi all, These two cars are parked up the road from me, and was wondering if anyone could help ID the make, model, and year. I figure the left one is a Chevy, and the right one is a '49 Kaiser?
49-50 Chevy fleetline on the left and a ???? Kaiser Manhatten on the right. Get the Chevy. It's worth saving.
Seems the chrome on the Chev looks good would love to get the lics plate bumperette on the front bumper, don't see much of them in good cond .
( estimate)You would sink 30,000 bucks in the chevy. You would sink 40,000 bucks in the kaiser. Thats if you got them for free.
Thanks, guys. These have been sitting there for a couple years now. There used to be a really clean Apache pickup, too. But that's been pushed further back and a bunch of scrap dumped on top of it Maybe I'll take a closer look to see if there's a sale sign. Like to have an idea what they're worth before talking to the guy, though.
they look pretty complete and straight, i'd snatch 'em up before someone else does/they turn to dust.
1949 Chevrolet Fleetline Special. they didn't make too many "specials" in the Fleetline series. most were Deluxe with more chrome around the windows. worth getting even if it is all rotten to hell... lots of good parts and lots of people looking for parts.
Stopped and got a couple more pics today. No sale sign in the windows, though. Chev's interior is pretty shot, but the kaiser's interior ain't bad. Both have inline 6's. If anyone's interested I can look further into them.
grab the fastback get the engine running (if it has one) throw an engine in it (if it doesn't) paint the wheels get some cheap whitewalls cover the seats fix the brakes rattle can primer (red oxide) cut the coils ...sell it to somebody like the guy who assumes you have to put 30 grand into a car. Seriously, grab the fastback
I would work on getting Both of them. If ya got'em home & decided they werent for you, Turn them and stash the proceeds for the next time you find a project. Always try to save this stuff & get it into the hands of someone who wants to save it.
We have calls all the time guys looking for the 2dr Chevys They are both worth saving If for nothing but parts
I have the room to store them, and they're only up the road a ways, so transport wouldn't be too bad either. I just haven't got a hold of the owner yet. A friend has a cabin adjacent to his property, so I'll try asking him. My thoughts are the same: get them into the hands of someone who wants to use them.
I have learned a little parting a few 1949-52 Chevies (out there where the parts actually bring some $, if they are NICE. not rusy MN stuff). 1949-54 chevy frames aren't like 1955-57 (not as "heavy/thick") ...Minneasota? And sitting soaking in nice moist dirt most of the year...for ____years? Good parts cars. Maybe. Those 1/4 are toast, too. Get them CHEAP. Like $200.. I love the "get it running, spray paint it, drive it! Wiggle your nose, throw ninja dust - done! Whatever. Also - buy a master cylinder, + every part of the brake system (after freeing the wheels), hot tank the gas tank, blow out the fuel lines and 1000 other things. You might as well restore the rust bucket, then. And a solid, driving unrestored one could be bought for under $3,000.. ====== Neither one is rare. Front clip parts, etc, though. But he's probably gonna restore them someday! But...if you don't even know what kind of cars they are...how are you going to effectively part them out and get the $ you could get for them? Complete - the Chevy you should get for not much, and reselling it (it's not a good project) you'd get the same. But as parts...if the fenders are good (lower parts don't seem to be) doors are good (no, right?), trunk lid is great and the seat frames are restorable (those were left in MN with the windows down, right? - The little springs and parts don't respond well to sandblasting and painting or powdercoating when they are SO rusty, so no one's gonna want them most likely)... What's left? The frame not at all. A GREAT grille for that year only brings $150. out here, where those years are very popular. That's for a Western, nearly pit-free GOOD core. But...they make "old car in the field" pictures, those cars. Up to you! Wondered...?
Got a surprise Ph call the other day. A while back I stopped to look at a couple of barnyard cars & of coarse the old guy late 70s? Aint 4 Sale gonna fix um up one of these days!!!? As I tried to convince him He said in a firm voice They Aint Eatin Nothin. as I handed him my # & said they could be feeding you.As I walked away he was scratching his head?? any way that was over a month ago. When he called yesterday & said come make a offer I replyed when I get around to it I will ,Mean time I hope he dosent watch too many Barrett Jackson shows