Great looking ride so far. Thanks for the inspiration. We are just beginning to work on a wheelchair accessible ride for my son too. We are looking at your build for ideas. I'll be buggin you with questions soon. Below is a pic with a logo my son wants on the side. Keep up the good work...can't wait to see the finished product. Thanks again.... TD
Hell paul its lookin' great! I was gonna go over to Jims yeastarday to see how it was coming along, but didn't in the end. Wish I had! Hope all is well, Tim
Ok, although it wont look like it much from these shots the painting and flaking is well on it's way and is just waiting on a little bit more work to the tail gate before Jim gets on and completes it. Were gonna flake ALL of her, then Kandy over large sections. That's all I'm gonna say. However Jim asked me to come down today because he had a window in his schedule for me to lay out my scallop ideas. My head, his hands. That way when it comes time to lay them out for good he can just refer to the photographic record he took today and do them at his leisure without me necessarily having to be there (paint won't agree with my decreased lung capacity). Thought I'd throw a couple of photos up to see what you guys thought of my first attempt at scallops; Also this has turned into a bigger project than originally intended, mainly due to me getting carried away but she'll DEFINATELY be ready for the Hayride. Here's the relevant parts of the cab, flaked and ready for Kandy; Another week or so and Jules, our equivalent to Fat Lucky's, can get inside and weave her magic on the whole interior. Think Zodiac naugahyde and sparkly trinidad carpet. More to follow..... Paul
Paul, I fuckin' LOVE those Scallops, it'll be real nice to see your F100 at the Hayride and your interior sounds like my kinda interior!I'm lookin' forward to seeing more up-dates. Nick.
I like it, but the forward facing scallops on the hood & side look too busy Paul, but them...what do I know!
WOW, I like what you did to the rear door (ex-doors)! Great way to hide the hinges and make it more functional. Thanks for the detail shots. The rest is looking awesome too!
That weird Paul, I was just driving to working thinking "I haven't had a thread update notification for a while" and I arrive at work and bingo, there it is. Have to say though, I'm not a fan of forward facing scallops either, i think the panels may be too short for them to fit properly but I don't have the benefit of standing back to have look. Personal preferences aside, it's going to be one cool ride!
I don't mind the forward facing scallops so much but I think I would have run the top one on the side all the way forward into the hood. The break line looks a little odd just behind the front fender. I know I'm a fussy sod but it would help the flow IMHO.
Never mind that,my lad,you just make sure you have plenty of gold & silver 1 shot handy over the next few weeks
Wow that thing is going to be killer man. I'll have to send craig a link to this thread hes gonna love it
Yeeeeeew,too much information! 1-shot,thanks again for that great input on the paint,and I will reveal all when the interior gets Kandy next week,(fingers crossed) Paul
Just stepped in to say hello Paul and check out all your progress pics, looking real swell, can't wait to see the final picture. John
After seing the base coat my initial reaction was to silver flake and clear the whole truck with a few scallops. However, after taking sedatives and a whole lot of good advice I came to a compromise, not so much for the sake of subtlety (HA HA HARDY HA a little late for that now) more for the sake of sanity. Yes, I am gonna silver flake the whole thing, but, im gonna Kandy most of her and just leave the scallops silver. After much deliberation I have decided on red apple Kandy for the following reasons: 1) My wife thinks red Kandy is bitchin' 2) I truly believe that dark red is the best colour to make the silver scallops pop in contrast. 3) My wife thinks red Kandy is bitchin' 4) There are already slight red accents in the partially finished upholstery so that'll save a lot of work changing that. 5) My wife thinks red Kandy is bitchin' 6) Although I have wheel covers, my wheels are red Kandy so it saves me changing the rim colour. The downside is we now had to paint the visible interior metalwork to match whilst still leaving a few black areas to tie in with the upholstery and carpets. Still, it meant that Jim got to play with the red Kandy untill he got the effect I wanted. 9 coats later, here's the result. These first 2 give the best indication of the deep red we're going for. The following 2 have got a bit orange with the camera flash but I think they do show how nice the flake looks underneath. Well, I guess I'm commited now. The scallop layout in my last post still stands and these will be cleared silver flake with gold pinstriping to tie in with the anodised grill mesh (amongst a few other gold accents I have up my sleeve). Later Paul