Almost looks like if an engine like that is going to be shipped, the shipper should make a roll cage type container with plywood attached to the outside. I've received city transit bus Allison transmissions with the PTO driveshafts bent because of pallet/freight damage. Best of luck with the freight company.
Good news the motor was picked up today and is on it's way back for a little TLC. They will be replacing the heads, intake manifold, front carb, linkage and alternator plus re-do the run test. Another step forward.
probably a french shipping company, pallet and screw downs made by the chinese, shipping route set up by the indians. get yourself a good lawyer(is there such a thing?)
"A signed statement from the Driver"??? HAHAHAHA! That's Funny. Do you really think a Delivery driver is going to give you a signed statement that he delivered a "damaged" box?? How do I know how to handle "damaged" shipments? Only 27 years in Transportation....(Viking/UPS/Airborne/DHL ,let the jokes begin...) The policy for damaged freight is "have the customer refuse it". ANYTIME I had a delivery that was obviously damaged,I gave them the option of Receiving it "as is" or Refusing it as "damaged". That is when the Shipper is contacted and the Claims process begins. That's the Company policy that I have to follow. Now if you want to open the box to check for concealed damage,You WILL sign for it FIRST and you WILL accept it "as is". If you refuse to sign,it goes back on the truck and sent back to the Shipper as Refused. Now before you think I'm the "Asshole Driver" that some of you have come across... I hate delivering "damaged goods". When I'm having a good day,do you think I want a customer screaming at me about a damaged box?
Just saw this thread for the first time today. I used to work at a die shop and the parent company was in Canada. Some guys over there were gearheads and had a lot of stuff sent here if it was U.S origin and then shipped across the border on the company truck; saved a lot of trouble and money I guess. One guy had a Ford crate motor shipped to our place; when it arrived the shipper, who was as dumb as a rock, signed for it. As soon as the rest of us knew it was there wea ll stood around it and ooohed and awwwed. Then we realised that it wasn't in a crate. It was banded to a pallet with cardboard over it where the bands touched it. The distributor was cracked, valve covers all dented up, wires cut and smashed, lots of stuff bent up. It had been dropped somewhere along the line and came out of the crate it was supposed to be in. Someone had actually put it back on a pallet, banded it and sent it on it's way. The shipper was almost fired, (he actualy should have been) and it took a long time to get it straightend out.
Pleased to hear that things are moving along. No matter how it turns out you've missed all of this time that could have been spent out on the road in your hot rod. keep us informed as to how this turns out. Frank
I had a shipper destroy Caddy dual carb setup, yall know what they are worth. The setup was packed in a 3/4" plywood box, intake was screwed to the bottom, all other components were packed very well inside. The crate was nearly destroyed and taped up when I saw it at the shipper. Looks like it was dropped off the truck or had a parachute malfunction when it was pushed from the aircraft. 3 months later, a bunch of calls and excuses it still wasn't settled. I had a Lawyer friend write them a letter, 2 weeks later I had a check.
Had the same thing a few years back-Bought a BBC blower motor for a customer and they droped the motor (crated) and had to send it back to Big Al's toy box. Did a lot of damage including a right bank head had to be replaced. I feel for you and the crap you will be going through to get restitution. Good luck and its a damn good looking engine you have there.
Sorry to hear. I thought these things only happened to me.... I wrote right on the shipping document that my motor had been flipped by FEDEX and took photos in their yard. I was lucky and only had a bent rocker cover (that I didn't plan to use). I could have refused shipment right there on the spot, and that is what Summit had said to do. It also broke loose from the pallet and FEDEX strapped it to a coca-cola crate and tried to hide the damage. It pisses me off that someone did this damage and then tried to hide it. Now I will read the rest of the thread...............
I used to build shipping crates for a small company who built "test part mahine". i would bolt these suckers to a strong pallet ,but insulation around everything and screw plywood and strapping (1x3) as tight to the machines as posible, leaving no room for the machine to move.they were like 4x4 x 6 ' high crates.,then put steel banding around it. Guy who built the machine used to give me shit ,for using so much material.. One didn't make it "quite" to Mexico..Someone dumped it upside down in one of the transfer warehouses.. Company got real stupid and blame me !! Unles your in the box with the part,you have NO idea how it will be handles,OR how many times.. Not always the shippers, or the delivery guys fault. 1939fiat
First I want to say thanks for everyone's interest, observations, experience and comments. I've learn a lot from this experience. The first, never except a damaged container, insure it for more than it's actual value and if your using a freight company (hopefully not ESTES) pack it like you know there going to drop it. I thought it was pretty stand up of Mike Herman at H&H to request the engine be returned for repairs. I know once the engine left my garage it's fate would be completely in the hands of Mike. He is the one dealing with the freight broker and Estes, all I've done is supply him and the inspector with a time line of events and the picture evidence. Oh and a little over $13,200. Mike has assured me the engine will be here this Wednesday. I'll post pictures of it's return including the shipping company removing it from the truck. Again thanks to everyone.
The engine arrived and when the driver opened the truck the first thing I saw the top of the box misaligned and my heart skipped a beat. Oh no they dropped it again! No it was just mialigned.
glad you got it back . have you opened up the crate yet to make sure they didnt just send you an empty crate. We need pictures. Its great that they fixed that beautiful motor you got.
I have to give Mike Herman high praise for the excellent work he and his staff at H&H did to pair the engine. In the beginning I had my dough's, but not anymore Mike your are a stand up guy.... Forward Air Inc. did a great job of providing the right equipment and service. Here it is in one piece.
mOTOR LOOKS GREAT. Crap the chicken hit the cap lock button again. Let's see pics of what that beaut' is going in!!!!
Glad it's all straightened least for you..and it seems H&H and mike herman are stand up guys for looking after things like that for you...Now that is customer service!!
Glad to hear everything worked out . H & H are the best in the business and do some really top of the line work . That is one beautiful flathead !
In my mind customer service is everything. The horror stories we hear everyday had made me deeply concerned. Not having any real experience with H&H how was I to know that they would come thourgh in such a big way. H&H will be my next engine builder.
That is without a doubt a terrific looking engine! So when can you show us the whole project completed. Looking foward to that moment.
Man I love a happy ending. Congrats on a neat motor. Lesson learned for everyone who reads this thread. I had an engine shipped from overseas a few years ago. Everything turned out fine but I now know I took a big risk letting the driver leave before the crate was open.
That's kind of funny, I finally get the damn thing and I have to leave for two months after the holiday. I wish I could give a date but, like for all of us time and money dictates these things. For thoughs interested in what the engine is going in check my album under cool cars. It's the pick-up.