I have finally recovered enough to post some pix of our trip to Beatersville yesterday. The trip itself did not wear me out so much as being at the Hoosier Hundred on Friday night and then at the Night Before the Five Hundred on Saturday. Got to bed at 1 am Sunday and had to get up at 5 to meet at Bubba's shop on Gasoline Alley. I rode in Craig's new T coupe and the trip down was good with great crisp air and only one small setback when Noodle ended up with a little too much oil in his motor at our one fuel stop. After about 45 minutes we were back on the road and rolling for Louisville. The trip home took a little longer as we had overheating problems with Noodles' roadster and the tan pickup. The roadster was good after the initial fix at our dinner stop about 30 mile out of Louisville but the pickup got hot again about 30 miles up I-65. Bubba got it fixed right that time and we rolled back into his parking lot at just before midnight. Anyway here are some pix of our little road trip. Roo Getting ready to leave Bubba's at O'dark 30 followed by a few rolling down the road pix
A few more pix. We ran into some of our fellow Indiana rodders at the single fuel stop that we made on the way down. Waiting for Noodles after his incident Bubba and Craig top off Noodles' radiator after we ate dinner on the return trip The line up of rods and customs in the restaurant parking lot drew a few interested locals Working on the pickup at a truck stop-tried to get smart and took this one without the flash (or a tripod) so it is a little soft in the focus department And here we are back at Bubba's
Glad to see you are a gentleman and didn't post any shots of me and Megan still fast asleep in bed that morning. Thanks for posting the photos of what we missed. Under different circumstances we would have joined you guys. It was nice seeing and hanging out with you from time to time this weekend. Looking forward to seeing you again in a couple of weeks.
Ain't no smile like a "cruzn down the road smile", no trips complete without a little breakdown drama. Looks like a great time . Thanx for sharing the adventure with us. ~Sololobo~
A couple more pics from the Beatersville trip. A 250 mile ride in a hot rod will kick your ass ? Carbon Guy and Lindross stretching out at mid night in the parking lot..... Cant get the smile off their faces...... Best engine went to: Good trip for all.........
Wish I could of been there - still shopping for a car - your right about 250 miles in a t bucket - does a real number on your butt and legs! Been there - done that. Great pictures!!