Man, what a great turnout it was on Saturday, record number of cars I'd say and couldn't hardly walk around for all the people...and the weather was perfect...couldn't ask for much more...except, I don't see my Caddy in any of your pix...whazzup with that...??? R-
It was indeed gorgeous. I maybe saw half the cars. Which is your Caddy? I took 250 pictures, and didn't even scratch the surface. There must have been over 1500 cars there?
You sure do take a lot of 1932 Ford photos ... for a 1954 Ford panel guy I really like this one ... any more photos of it AND THANKS ... for posting the GG photos
It got picked for "Best Bitchin" car if you're into "deuces"...and 3W, my apologies, I don't take pictures of deuces... Mine was the primered '55 Caddy, running with the green/flamed '54 Caddy... R-
Did everybody skate the hail / tornado storm this afternoon ?? I'm in south Aurora and had golfball size hail in the yard, a tornado touched down just couple miles to my south, pickup and wife's lincoln got beet up. when rain stop's gota go check on'em. hot rods were all put away. Roach
Yep, but only pea sized hail up there...lotsa rain, washed out the award tornados tho... R-
saw this in the swap meet the interior, some nice pink tuck and roll. maybe someone know this car. I think it from the midwest. the motor this little bike was cool, but 1900.00