Made it out to the show today a little bit of rain but not enough to slow the show down. Some great bands played all day that's one of the things that makes the show so cool. There were a little over 100 cars,bikes& race cars so we had a little of everything. I want to thank the Blacktop Barons for a great show and can't wait for next year thanks. Here's some pics ill try to post more later computer is going slooooow
Nice pics steve, i know you have more get em up. The weather forecast was totally wrong, other than a couple of sprinkles it was a beautiful day. Great show Barons.
Glad to see Zettles made it to the show. Wish I could have made it. I got occupied trying to buy a 35 Ford tudor and could not make it in time. Looks and sounds like another great show by the Blacktop Barons.
...about 8 Tin Butchers showed up and we all had a great time; nice location for a show they have there. Stick...did you get that 35 sedan bought?
Coolest neighborhood show for me - I had a great time. Too bad I had to leave early. Thanks Barons for setting this up - gets better every year!
Anyone going to the scrap drive in Belvidere this weekend. I was thinking of selling some Model A parts but have never been there before. Do they get a decent enough turn out.
Well it is a long story that I will post about later and show pics of. Waiting to hear the final word about it. Long story..... Got rained on too, might as well went to the Road Block. I learned a lesson. Don't miss the Road Block ever again. Save money at the Road Block rather than spend at an auction.
....Hello, from the Tin Butchers,...our show & swap should be a good one this year, been gettin 4-5 calls per day on our swap meet, the weather forecast looks good too. Last year we had almost 100 swappers and over 150 cars there, everything should be bigger this year as the word is getting out there about the Scrap Drive. ... the swappers commented on doing well at our last 2 shows, so bring your Model A stuff, it should go well; as lots of people show up just to hit the swapmeet to look/buy.