My friend found these tanks here in Washington & is looking to sell a few, wondering what the going rate is, thanks
Don't think those are "Belly" tanks, look like "Wing" tanks. The wing tanks are much smaller than a true belly tank. You buy a fiberglass repo "Belly" tank for around $2500. IMHO
Yes I think he said they were wing tanks, they are about 20' long & 2' across at the widest point, I'd like to get one for the top of my shop, put a couple axles under it with some 35 wire wheels, cool advertising.
Those are neat. A guy up the road has one on his garage he made wings for. It looks kind of neat. The fun thing to do would be to cut the nose off one, put a bunch of Russian or Chinese script on it and stand it in your yard close to that anoying neighbor. I have no idea about value, what ever somebody's willing to give I guess.
Most guys would have to give up beer, burgers and fries to fit in one of those to use it as a race car body. There is bound to be someone on here who can tell exactly what they came off and by that one number they may be able to figure the exact plane it came off. I think they are probably surplus from the Navy as there are a number of these stationed on the Island.
I had some questions asked, here is the reply from the owner:They are aluminum, fairly heavy gauge. They are mostly welded construction, but the tail section is screwed on. They are 19' long and 27" in dia. To the best of my knowledge they are from an A7 corsair 2... Vietnam era, and are indeed wing drop tanks, not belly tanks. 2 guys can pack them around.
Actually, the fiberglass P-38 tank from Rod 'n Race Fiberglass in WV are only $1250.00. Hardly worth messing with the wrong "WingTank" for a traditional Belly Tank Race car.
Should make good lakester bodies for inline or motorcycle engines. 27" should be large enough for all but xxl driver.
No, but if the little tweaker puke didnt get everything you wanted, he can go back tomorrow night and get the rest. Or maybe when the dude who BOUGHT it is at work. Not that I have any personal experience with this or anything. just kinda picked that scab a little.
That was my first thought the minute I read the word aluminum. Ain't it a wonderful time we live in. Those scabs can smell aluminum.
<TABLE id=entries><TBODY><TR><TD class=word>tweaker </TD><TD class=tools id=tools_1175828></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD class=text id=entry_1175828 colSpan=2>A person that is under the influence of methamphetamines and is in the middle of three projects at the same time none of which will ever be completed. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> Sounds like me, except for the drug thing.....