Plenty of rain kept the car count way down and also played total havock with my good camera (The bulk of my pictures were taken with my old one after the first one froze up......That's why there are two different size pics in the album), but still plenty of cool and interesting stuff to see in both the show and swap areas... See more photos at the link.... Shows/Scrap Drive 09/
Ain't Steve's rail haulin' Nomad neat? A Deutz powered Willys truck, huh. I bet it gets decent milege.
A late 50's early 60's Sunbeam Rapier ( I think it's a series1 not too certain, the side grilles are different on the early cars, not too many of these about in the UK either)
Was neat and for $750 was a good price. I asked him if he would give me a discount as the sterring wheel was on the wrong side for me being a brit. I don't think he understood. Oh well brit humor strikes again!!